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    Jewelry Boxes: My Bracelet’s Keepers


    Paige Novick has her own line of costume jewelry, but she also designs fine jewelry, so she is well versed in the wearing and storing of both.

    佩奇·诺维克(Paige Novick)经营着自己的仿真珠宝品牌,但她也会设计一些高级珠宝首饰。所以,她对于佩戴和保存这两类珠宝,都颇有心得。

    When it comes to her personal jewelry boxes, she divides her pieces into two categories: not, as you may imagine, large and chunky versus small and delicate, but “wear now” and “store.” Jewelry she favors now, whether costume or fine, rotates often and needs to be easily accessible.


    Some jewelry boxes look like jewels themselves. Others are strictly for storage.


    “I tend to go for open trays and boxes or travel cases by Clos-ette,” said Ms. Novick, 48, who received a Rising Star award last week from Fashion Group International, an industry organization. “And I like to err on the side of whimsy, with things that are quirky and colorful.”

    “我常去买Clos-ette的无盖珠宝陈列盘与首饰盒,”今年48岁的诺维克说,她上周刚刚获得一家业内机构“国际时尚集团”(Fashion Group International)颁发的“冉冉新星奖”(Rising Star award)。“而且,我更偏爱一些奇思妙想的设计,宁可选择那些稀奇古怪又色彩艳丽的东西。”

    Pieces that are not in rotation at the moment are stored in “luxe, utilitarian boxes,” she said, made by companies like Elizabeth Weinstock and Smythson. “The more compartments, the better.”

    那些目前没被她纳入轮展的珠宝,都存放在“一些华丽又实用的盒子里,”她说,诸如伊丽莎白·温斯托克(Elizabeth Weinstock)和斯迈森(Smythson)这些公司做的珠宝盒,“储物格越多越好。”

    At a time of year when giving or receiving jewelry is more than a possibility, Ms. Novick went in search of appropriate containers for storing it.


    At Flair, in SoHo, she found a wealth of options that were “like jewels, in and of themselves,” she said, referring to the liberal use of exotic materials and lavish ornamentation — with crystals and, in one case, a silver alligator. “These feel like movable sculptures and are such objects of beauty that you want to have them on display.”


    The Giraffe trinket dish that Ms. Novick found at Anthropologie was at the other end of the aesthetic scale, but equally useful. “This is perfect for delicate pieces you want at your disposal, like rings or little studs, maybe an ear cuff,” she said. And “it’s cute and makes you happy.”

    而诺维克在Anthropologie商店里找到的一只长颈鹿饰品托盘,则是截然不同的另一种审美风格,但同样非常实用。“这个盒子最适合用来摆放你要随时取用的一些精致首饰,比如戒指或小钉饰,也可以是一只全耳式耳环(ear cuff),”她说。而且“这个盒子很可爱,会让你用着开心。”

    She found another animal motif, a Hippo by Deborah Bump, online at Exhibit Modern’s shop on 1stdibs, but this time it was the artisanal element that spoke to her: “I love the fact that it’s wood, looks chic and sophisticated, but is practical and functional.”

    她在1stdibs网站的Exhibit Modern在线商店里,找到了另一件动物主题的饰品盒,这是一只由狄波拉·邦普(Deborah Bump)设计的河马。但这次,吸引她的是设计中的手工元素:“我就喜欢它的木头质地,看起来又时尚又精妙,而且功能强大,非常实用。”

    At Michele Varian’s shop on Howard Street, Ms. Novick picked out a concrete box with a walnut top that had a “very urban feel,” she said, and was a nice “juxtaposition of cool concrete and warm wood.”

    在霍华德街(Howard Street)的Michele Varian商店,诺维克挑选了一只带有胡桃木盒盖的混凝土质地首饰盒,这件物品“很有都市感”,她说,非常出色地“混搭了冷峻的混凝土与温暖的木料。”

    It was also the most masculine container she chose and, she said, would be appropriate for cuff links or men’s brocelets.


    But the box that Ms. Novick finally succumbed to, in honor of the approaching holiday, was a heart-shaped shagreen one that she found online at Aerin.


    “This is not your average heart,” she said, referring to the exotic material. And it would be a good place to store any metals that might oxidize if left out in the open on a tray, she noted, because it had a cover.


      上一篇:奥巴马夫人穿花裙子有错吗? 下一篇:想看起来瘦一些,就这么简单!


