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    Relax. You can wear whatever you want and chancesare nobody will say a word to you. And far be it fromus to dictate what someone else should wear or notwear. That said, we thought it would be fun to askour Huff/Post50 Facebook friends what they thinkmen over 40 need to cart off to Goodwill. Here aresome of their responses and a few of our own.


    1. Baseball caps worn backward. Or forward, actually too.


    Once the fashion statement of the entertainment industry, the baseball cap worn backwardhas become something of a cliche that says "I'm not Ron Howard but sure wish I had thedude's money."


    The only guys over 40 who wear caps backward should be baseball catchers. It is widelybelieved that men wear baseball caps only to cover what is no longer there. Remember, bald isbeautiful if worn with confidence.


    2. Hats that aren't Tilley Hats.


    A Tilley hat is timeless statement piece. Mostly what it is stating is that Tilleys have a spot towrite your name in them so that when you leave your hat in restaurants, they know how toreach you. Tilleys also have a replacement policy that is unsurpassed, just in case the guy over40 who found it decides to cross out your name and keep it for himself. An imperfect system,we know. But still great hats.


    3. Tee-shirts that shrunk in the wash.


    It is a pity when our favorite shirts no longer fit us. We weep right alongside you brother. Atsome point, we all need to remember that hot water has no place in our laundry cycle. Noticehow we blame the washer setting and not anyone's expanding belly.


    4. Anything that points an arrow to said expanding belly.


    Bellies are jolly good things when worn under a red Santa suit by the guy at the mall atChristmas time. Under other circumstances, they should be kept under wraps. This means nobelts that need to be worn beneath them, no shirts so short that bellies protrude from below,and no Speedos under any circumstances.


    5. Yes, absolutely no Speedos under any circumstances.


    Very few men of any age can carry off a Speedo. While we have no issue with wanting to showoff your package of junk, we'd rather see a package of hunk. Leaving something to theimagination is sexiest of all. Unless you are on a beach in Mykonos, in which case your Speedolabels you overdressed.


    6. Man buns are good, man pigtails not so much.


    While technically not a style item that can be retired to the thrift store, reader Judy Greggmentioned pigtails, reminding us that what looks adorable on little girls playing soccer gets allWillie Nelson for us on older men.


    7. Corduroy jackets with suede patches on the elbows.



    Once the realm of university professors and scholars, anything with elbow patches was prettymuch banned from First World closets in the early 1990s. These jackets have resurfaced,principally found in vintage clothing stores.


    8. Dirty clothes of any kind.


    Shirts stained with food are a cry for help. Don't let your shirts cry. Clean them. In fact, cleaneverything. You could probably start with the dirty dishes in the sink and then maybe vacuum.Cleanliness is a good thing — and super hot.


    9. Mom jeans.


    Whatever the male equivalent is to Mom Jeans needs to go. Jeans are a staple of life. Everyoneneeds at least one good pair, which is to say a piece of denim that they shelled out a bushel ofmoney for. Jeans are our go-to item, life's comfort blanket, the one item we would wear everyday if we could and do wear even when we can't. Men need to invest in a good pair and toss outall the rest.


    10. A hoodie with profanity on it.


    It is OK to wear a sweatshirt emblazoned with the name of your daughter's college on it. Ifyou're shelling out $50,000 a year for her to attend, you at least get to wear the sweatshirt.Just don't wear sweatshirts with profanity written on them. Remember how you taught thecollege girl that her friends who use the F word just have limited vocabularies and that cursingdoesn't make you sound grown-up — it just makes you sound coarse. Don't be coarse. Begentle and kind.


      上一篇:按照身材穿衣 品味不够格照样很fashion 下一篇:牛仔裤上的秘密口袋,你用对了吗?


