古驰捍卫商标权 香港冥品店纸鞋下架
教程:时尚话题  浏览:419  
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    HONG KONG — On Java Road in Hong Kong, a newpair of brown leather Gucci loafers, lovingly wrappedin cellophane, hangs from a storefront — the deal ofa lifetime at less than $3.


    Just not this lifetime.


    The shoes are paper replicas, meant to be burned as offerings to relatives who have died — amodern twist on an old Chinese custom. At specialty shops across this city, the bereaved canchoose from an impressive array of goods to send to their departed loved ones, includingItalian sports cars, smartphones, six-packs of beer, cigarettes, dress shirts and sport jackets.


    One store, next to Hong Kong’s Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery, even sells paper replicas ofMcDonald’s value meals, complete with fries, soda and a package of something called “ChickenMuNeggtc.”


    But the Gucci handbags and shoes that grandmother may have cooed over when she wasamong the living now appear to be out of her ethereal reach. A shopkeeper quickly snatched theloafers away from one inquiring customer, explaining that they were no longer for sale.


    It seems Gucci’s zeal to protect its brand extends into the hereafter.


    Last week, its parent company, Paris-based Kering, sent a letter to six local stores that sell thepaper offerings, telling them to stop selling replicas of Gucci products because they were usingits famous trademark that graces shoes, wallets, hats, jewelry and women’s purses.


    “What we are trying to do is let them know that Gucci is a trademark and we are trying toprotect it,” Charlotte Judet, a Hong Kong-based spokeswoman for Kering, said by telephone. “We fully respect the funeral context.”


    Elaborate paper offerings for the dead are for sale the world over, available for purchase bythe living across Asia, from Cambodia to mainland China. In China, the bereaved, with a fewclicks of a mouse or taps on a smartphone, can buy replicas of everything from bonsai plants toflat-screen televisions for home delivery.


    As incomes have soared and consumerism has taken hold across the continent, thecardboard replicas, once limited to fake currency, have become increasingly elaborate. Oneshop offers a paper wall-unit air conditioner, presumably for relatives who may be in the lowerreaches of the hereafter.


    The practice has even migrated across the ocean. In 2011 in New York, one Chinatownshopkeeper was arrested for selling cardboard replicas of designer handbags and loafers, andcharged with copyright infringement.


    But Gucci chose to make a stand in Hong Kong, not in Beijing, New York or Bangkok. The forcesat play essentially define Hong Kong’s place in the world. Here is a city that combines a no-holds-barred consumer culture, a strong bond to China’s old traditions, and a robust legalsystem, inherited from the British, that respects and enforces intellectual property rights.Hong Kong is, at its essence, a fusion of Eastern culture, global capitalism and Western law.


    “People in Hong Kong are law-abiding,” Alice Lee, an associate professor of law at theUniversity of Hong Kong who focuses on intellectual property, said in a telephone interview. “We have had the benefit of British rule for such a long time.”

    “香港民众遵纪守法,”主要研究知识产权的香港大学法学院副教授李雪菁(Alice Lee)在接受电话采访时说。“长期以来我们一直享受着英国的统治带来的这个好处。”

    But Ms. Lee said Gucci would have a difficult time proving that makers of paper offeringsinfringed on its trademark. To successfully sue for trademark infringement, she said, acompany has to demonstrate that people confuse the cardboard replicas with real Gucciproducts, which is highly unlikely.


    Her colleague Haochen Sun, a professor who studies trademark protection of luxury brands,said Gucci might have a case under Hong Kong law if it argued that the paper offerings, sold inshops only blocks from the company’s own retail outlets, blurred “the distinctiveness” of Gucci’sbrand or caused it harm.


    The subtleties of trademark law have yet to trickle down to the street level.


    Instead of laughter, Gucci’s letter, which threatened no legal action and asked for nocompensation, prompted compliance from some of the shops that sell the paper offerings.Along Java Road, Gucci-branded offerings for the dead disappeared from the shelves, asshopkeepers feared that their tiny businesses could collapse if subjected to a lawsuit.


    Sitting on a stool in the back of one shop, past the incense and ersatz packs of cigarettes frombrands like “Danhill,” Lucky Strlke,” “Marlbero” and “Sailem,” one proprietor, who asked to beidentified by only her last name, Chan, said she and others had little choice because theirbusinesses were so small.

    在其中一家店里,只愿透露自己姓陈(音)的店主坐在后面的凳子上,铺面上是香烛和一包包仿制香烟,品牌包括Danhill、Lucky Strlke、Marlbero、Sailem等。她说她们这些人别无选择,因为生意实在太小了。

    For Gucci, it was an easy win, even though its letter did draw some ridicule in the local press.


    “The symbolism of a global, multibillion-dollar luxury company ‘warning’ perhaps some ofthe poorest retailers in the city over items that could not ever be taken for the real thing justseems a little bullying,” Jing Zhang, fashion editor for The South China Morning Post, wroteTuesday.


    Ms. Lee, the law professor, had a different interpretation. “Purpose served,” she said. “Theywant to show the world that they are taking their intellectual property rights seriously.”


    The shopkeepers lament what they see as the absurdity of it all. Their target market — thedead — does not appear to intersect with the well-heeled, or aspiring-to-be wealthy, living andbreathing Gucci customers who frequent the outlet’s shops in Hong Kong, one of thecompany’s top markets.


    “Our customers are totally different,” said one shopkeeper outside Ten Thousand BuddhaMonastery, who gave only his surname, Lan. “They burn these things to send to the spirits.”


    Neither Ms. Chan nor Mr. Lan had received a letter from Gucci. Ms. Chan read about it in a localnewspaper and quickly moved to exorcise her store of any paper replicas of Gucci projects.


    Actually, the word “Gucci” rarely appears in the world of paper offerings. In almost all instances,the enterprising manufacturers — from somewhere in mainland China — alter the spelling.Those “Gucci loafers” at the shop next door were labeled “Guuci.” Mr. Lan, who as of Mondayhad not heard of the warning letter, had one paper “Gueei” purse on offer.


    Ms. Chan said the whole idea of Gucci threatening such action was odd. “It has nothing to dowith us,” she said.


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