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    If you usually doze off with your back to your partner and a gaping space between you, you'll be pleased to hear you're not alone.



    A new study into the most common sleep positions for couples revealed the 'liberty' position, sleeping back-to-back without touching, was most popular with 27 per cent of couples pinpointing it as their regular nighttime stance.


    It may not ring of romance but relationship psychologist Corrine Sweet, who carried out the study on behalf of bed specialist Dreams, believes there's hidden clues to a strong relationship in the non-tactile pose.


    'It shows the couple is connected and secure,' says Ms Sweet, who says sleep positions can speak volumes about the state of a relationship.


    So what does your sleep stance say about your relationship?


    Liberty:Back-to-back without touching


    Some 27 per cent sleep in this position with plenty of space keeping them apart. Ms Sweet said that couples who adopt the Liberty are: 'Connected and secure in themselves, this position shows both closeness and independence in the relationship.'


    Cherish: Back-to-back touching


    'A quarter of pairs (23 per cent) like to sleep separately, facing different directions - and is often a sign of a new romance.


    Ms Sweet said that it means that, 'both partners are relaxed and comfortable with one another – this is often common in new relationships.'


    Spooning: Front-to-back touching


    The classic loving sleep position although one of the most famous, is only adopted by a fifth (18 per cent) of couples.


    Ms Sweet said it's a 'traditional position' and demonstrates a dynamic, 'where one partner takes a protective stance over the other.'


    Lovers’ knot: Face-to-face


    The most complex position in which a couple lies facing each other, with their legs and arms intertwined for ten minutes before they separate, is a sign of relationship strength.


    Yet only eight per cent adopt this complex position. Ms Sweet said it's, 'a compromise between intimacy and independence, allowing for the best of both worlds.'


    Superhero: Starfish position


    Women may hold out for a hero but when it comes to going to bed it's the last thing you need.


    Some three per cent of selfish sleepers adopt the starfish position, pushing the other partner so they're hanging off the bed.


    Ms Sweet's verdict is that: 'One partner dominates the space, while the other takes a secondary role.'


    The romantic: Resting head on chest


    This intimate posture, in which one partner rests their head on their partner's chest, while their legs are intertwined is often seen in early relationships.


    Adopted by four per cent of couples Ms Sweet explained it 'represents vibrant, passionate or rekindled love.'


    Pillow talk: Face-to-face without touching


    With space between them but their bodies mirroring each other, only three per cent of couples lie in the pillow talk position.


    But Ms Sweet noted that it could indicate an emotionally demanding union. 'This position shows a need for intimacy and close communication.'


    The Lovers: Face-to-face with legs intertwined all night


    There's a reason only two per cent of pairs sleep lying so closely intertwined. Ms Sweet said that although it's 'romantic and very intimate, this position also shows a lack of independence from each other.'


    Despite sleep studies showing that 94 per cent of couples who spend the night in contact with each other are happy with their relationship, Ms Sweet believes autonomy in the bedroom is no bad thing.


    And considering 25 per cent of couples argue in bed because they are kept awake by their partners, it's no surprise one in five British couples choose to sleep in separate beds.


    Physiotherapist Sammy Margo, author of The Good Sleep Guide, also believes couples should not resist sleeping apart if it means a better night's sleep.


    She said: 'More often than not sleeping separately has nothing to do with a couple's relationship and everything to do with their urgent need for a better night's sleep.


    'Often it starts when one partner has an episode of illness, such as a cough, heavy cold or back pain, and moves temporarily to another room so as not to disturb their partner (or in some cases to the sofa) and they both enjoy such a good night’s sleep that they decide to keep it that way.


    She also point out that men and women sleep differently: 'Men spend more time in stage one sleep and women spend more time in slow wave sleep.


    'Hormonal fluctuations due to the menstrual cycle can also disrupt sleep for many women, not to mention the fact that women with curves have different mattress needs to men without curves.


    'In short, men and women have different sleep needs.


    'Statistics show that people who sleep poorly have a higher divorce rate - so if you persist in sharing a bed despite having your sleep disrupted, you risk not just poor performance at work, reduced concentration and poor health but problems in your relationship.'


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