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    MILAN — The lambent new tower of art galleriesRem Koolhaas and his Rotterdam-based firm, OMA, have designed for the Prada Foundation is achameleon.

    米兰——雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)和他位于鹿特丹的建筑事务所OMA为普拉达基金会(Prada Foundation)设计的艺术展览空间——一座新的塔楼散发着柔和的光泽,就像一只变色龙。

    From the east, the elevation presents a slim, unadorned, milk-white concrete block, nine stories high, punctured by loggias — a signpost, like the traditional village bell tower, rising above a low, scruffy neighborhood.


    To the north, where the facade meets Milan’s skyline and becomes mostly glass, cantileveringover the street, the block breaks into a zigzag of shifting floor plates, rectangles and trapezoids, the whole building wedged onto a triangular plot.


    The south end makes plain how the structure stands up. An ensemble of enormous cablesencased inside a giant beam counteracts the thrust of all those heavy, cantilevered concrete decks. Like a sword in a stone, the beam angles from the top of the tower through the red-tiled roof of an adjacent former warehouse, anchoring in the floor below.


    In the Arthurian legend, the wizard Merlin put the sword in the stone. Mr. Koolhaas must be Merlin, I suppose. That makes Miuccia Prada, the Lady of the Lake.

    在亚瑟王的传奇里,是魔法师梅林(Merlin)把剑放进了石头。我想这里的梅林必然是库哈斯。那么湖夫人(Lady of the Lake)就是缪西娅·普拉达(Miuccia Prada)了。

    The tower completes the arts campus OMA has spent the past decade conceiving for the Prada Foundation. An offshoot of the global fashion conglomerate, dedicated to contemporary art and culture, the foundation commissions new art, presents exhibitions and organizes film festivals and other events. It also oversees the vast art collection Ms. Prada and her husband, Patrizio Bertelli, have put together. For years, it operated in far-flung locales.

    OMA用了十年时间为普拉达基金会设计该艺术中心,这座塔楼是艺术中心的收官之作。普拉达基金会是全球性时尚集团普拉达的分支机构,专事当代艺术与文化,基金会委约创作新的艺术作品,举办展览,组织电影节和其他活动。这个机构也负责监管普拉达女士和丈夫帕特里齐奥·贝尔泰利(Patrizio Bertelli)庞大的艺术收藏。多年以来,基金会都在偏远地点运营。

    In 2008, Mr. Koolhaas and a partner, Christopher van Duijn, were enlisted to reimagine a former, turn-of-the-century distillery Prada owned as the foundation’s permanent home. Walled-in, abutting a weedy stretch of railroad tracks, the distillery was a pictures queassortment of dilapidated stables, a bottling facility, a carriage house, some offices and warehouses.

    2008年,库哈斯与合伙人克里斯多夫·范·丹(Christopher van Duijn)受邀把普拉达拥有的一座20世纪初的酒厂重新设计为基金会的永久总部。围墙内,毗邻一条荒草丛生的铁道,画面感十足的酒厂包括几处残破的马房、装瓶车间、马车库、办公室和仓库。

    The architects cleared away some of the old buildings, refurbished others. They built new ones. The tower was the last piece of the puzzle.


    Without it, the site first opened to the public in 2015. It featured about 120,000 square feet of new or reconfigured exhibition space; a new cinema; a new two-story Miesian pavilion of wide open gallery spaces, called the Podium, the whole building clad in light, shimmery panels off oamed aluminum, an automotive and medical industry material also used for bomb blastabsorption that looks a little like rough stone. There was even a 1950s-style Italian cafe straight out of a Wes Anderson movie.


    That was because Wes Anderson designed it.


    Chameleons themselves, Mr. Koolhaas and Ms. Prada made natural confederates. She was the famous communist turned high-fashion mogul whose empire evolved from bags and backpacks constructed out of an industrial nylon lining material. He was a prophet of global cities who declared the countryside his real passion after everyone else jumped on the urbanistband wagon.


    Her clothes always seemed less about what men desired than what whet her creative appetite. He was once invited to propose an expansion for the Museum of Modern Art and thumbed his nose at the selection committee by suggesting a billboard that said “MoMA Inc.” They were both contrarians and closet optimists.

    她设计的服装似乎总是取决于什么能激发她的创造欲望,而无关男人的渴望。而他曾受邀为纽约现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art)的扩建做提案,面对评委会大不敬地提议树一块“现代艺术博物馆有限公司”(MoMA Inc.)的广告牌。两个人都是逆反者和背地里的乐观主义者。

    And they shared a sense of humor. At one time it was rumored that Prada might back the Dutcharchitect for a seat in the Italian Parliament.


    The foundation became their love child. It is unlike the eye-popping art gallery Frank Gehrydesigned for the Louis Vuitton Foundation beside the Bois de Boulogne in Paris, with its billowing glass sails, conjuring up flounces of silk and memories of Bilbao. The Prada campus feels, by comparison, world-weary, sneakily luxurious and — especially with its new tower— a mini-city, fragmentary, full of craft and secrets. Cities enshrine history and agitate for change. They’re forever unresolved.

    普拉达基金会成了两个人爱的结晶。它不像弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)在巴黎布洛涅森林边上为路易·威登基金会(Louis Vuitton Foundation)设计的令人瞠目的艺术中心,那些鼓鼓的玻璃风帆让人想起丝绸的翻涌,想起毕尔巴鄂。相比之下,普拉达基金会的艺术园看破了红尘,不事张扬地奢华,尤其是有了新的塔楼后,像一座断片拼接的迷你城市,充满了心机与秘密。城市珍藏历史又激荡于变革。它们永无定论。

    This has been Mr. Koolhaas’s mantra. It is reflected in a foundation that’s neither a preservation project nor a tear-down-and-build-new venture. Its mode is bricolage. More is more. Both is better.


    Cities are theaters and shape-shifters, too. I’m vaguely reminded of the old Cinecittà studios outside Rome, where Fellini worked and Mr. Anderson has made films. A stable house in the former distillery now resembles the cabinet rooms in old master museums. A tiny, Alice in Wonderland door opens onto an immense warehouse, 60 feet high and 200 feet long.

    城市是剧场,城市也会变身。我隐约想起了罗马郊区老旧的电影城(Cinecittà studios),费里尼曾在那里工作,韦斯·安德森也在那拍过电影。老酒厂里的一间马房现在就像古代大师美术馆里的书房。一间小小的、爱丽丝漫游奇境式的门通向60英尺(约合18米)高、200英尺(约合61米)长的巨大仓库。

    And a building nicknamed the Haunted House is slathered in gold leaf, like an early Renaissancepanel painting. (“A very cheap cladding material,” Mr. Koolhaas has insisted, “compared to marble or even paint.”)


    “There is no difference between gold and rags,” Michelangelo Pistoletto, the veteran artist, once said. Mr. Pistoletto made his bones in the 1960s as a founder of Arte Povera, the Italian twist on post-Minimalism. Writing in 2001, after Mr. Koolhaas’s Prada shop opened in downtown Manhattan, the critic Herbert Muschamp noted Prada’s philosophical roots in Arte Povera.

    艺术家米开朗基罗·皮斯特莱托(Michelangelo Pistoletto)曾说,“黄金与破布并没有什么不同。”皮斯特莱托因在1960年代开创了“贫穷艺术”(Arte Povera)而闻名,这是后极简主义的意大利变体。2001年,库哈斯设计的位于曼哈顿下城的普拉达门店开业之后,评论家赫伯特·穆尚浦(Herbert Muschamp)提出普拉达的哲学源自贫穷艺术。

    Mr. Muschamp recalled how Art Povera consisted of “old bedding and tar-stained rope” displayed “in barren, out-of-the-way locations.”


    Somehow, he added, “you always needed a private jet to get there.”


    Up to a point, that describes the foundation, with its fetishized lowdown materials like chipboard and orange construction fencing and slightly out-of-the-way location, south of the city’s center.


    Arte Povera isn’t the only ghost of midcentury modernism inhabiting the project — there’s the twee cafe, with its Formica furniture and veneered wood paneling; the new tower restaurant, with its furniture bought at auction from New York’s Four Seasons; the cinema, with chairs imported from ’70s-era Milanese movie houses; and the sun-baked, deeply shadowed squares, conjuring up de Chirico.

    游荡在这里的上世纪中期的现代主义鬼魂还不只是贫穷艺术——艺术中心有间花哨的咖啡馆,里边是贴面家具和木纹墙板;新塔楼里的餐厅,家具是从纽约四季饭店歇业前的拍卖上买来的;电影院里的座椅来自几家1970年代的米兰影院;还有阳光灿烂时广场上的阴影,让人想起基里科(Giorgio de Chirico)的画。

    At the same time, there are the custom sheets of very modern translucent poly carbonate and aluminum handrails milled like Ferraris. There are the oak wood box-on-end pavers and there purposed metal prison grates painted lime green, which serve as screens in the coat checks and bathroom stalls.


    Some visitors have complained the layout doesn’t tell you where to go. You find your way around it. Like in a city. I think that is a virtue.


    But until now the project was missing its cornerstone where the 200-foot-high, 22,000-square-foot tower, or Torre, was meant to rise. Delays in construction stretched three years. They ended up allowing time to refine the design.


    The tower’s six, stacked gallery floors were created as full-time showcases for Prada’s private art collection. They’re reached through a small, open-air lobby like a disco ball, with flashing screens and a dizzying cutout in the ceiling to reveal the building core’s scissored stairs. One flight up, mirrored bathrooms, industrial sinks and a patterned floor summon to mind PierreChareau and Super studio.

    塔楼里上下六层楼的展厅专门用来陈列普拉达的私人艺术收藏。进入展厅要通过一个小型的开放式前厅,像迪斯科舞厅的反光球,有许多闪烁的屏幕,天花板上有令人晕眩的开口,透过它能看到建筑核心筒里交错的楼梯。沿楼梯向上一层,镶镜面的洗手间、工业水槽和拼花地板让你想起皮埃尔·夏洛(Pierre Chareau)和Superstudio(注:1960年代的意大利激进建筑小组)。

    The galleries above are one to a floor, no two rooms alike, each taller than the last, their layouts shifting with the floor plates, the lowest gallery, 9 feet high; the topmost, 26 feet high.


    The middle-floor galleries end up feeling the nicest, proportion-wise. But the whole building is one narrative. As Federico Pompignoli, OMA’s project manager, has said, the tower is “an attempt at the white cube defying its own boringness.”

    从空间比例来说,中间层的展厅感觉最舒服。但整座楼是一个整体表述。就像OMA的项目经理费德里克·庞皮尼奥里(Federico Pompignoli)说过的,塔楼是“尝试在一个白方块上抗拒它自身的无趣”。

    Much credit here goes to him. He oversaw every inch of construction and it shows. Elevatorcabs clad in backlit slabs of rose and green onyx suggest medieval reliquaries. I am told blacksmiths from a tiny shop outside Milan hand-tooled the restaurant’s exquisite bar, sliding doors and custom-embossed the anodized aluminum panels on the terraces that look like expensive Lego pieces.


    I kept running my hands over the tower’s concrete walls. Infused with Carrara marble andpoured by construction workers who wore white gloves, they feel smooth as silk.


    The big rectangular and wedge-shaped galleries, windows alternating between panoramas of the city and narrow views over the campus, accommodate best the large-scale works in the inaugural show, “Atlas.” It features Jeff Koons, Mona Hatoum, Michael Heizer and others. Check out the restaurant if you go. Works by Carsten H?ller and Lucio Fontana are on permanent display.

    在巨大的长方形和楔形展厅,窗外风景在城市全景与院内的狭窄视野间交替,展厅极好地容纳了揭幕展《阿特拉斯》(Atlas)中的大尺寸作品。展览展出了杰夫·昆斯(Jeff Koons)、莫娜·哈透姆(Mona Hatoum、迈克尔·海泽(Michael Heizer)等艺术家的作品。你去的话一定要到餐厅看看。卡斯滕·霍勒(Carsten H?ller)和卢齐欧·封塔纳(Lucio Fontana)的一些作品在那里永久陈列。


    From “Atlas,” I made my way through the loan exhibition about Fascist art that has taken over the pavilion and stables, watching a few of the old news clips of cheering mobs and BenitoMussolini in the cinema.

    从《阿特拉斯》展出来,我又去了凉亭和马房里关于法西斯艺术的借展,在电影院看了几段老的新闻短片,里面有欢呼的人群和贝尼托·墨索里尼(Benito Mussolini)。

    Then I wandered into Mr. Anderson’s cafe and ordered what may be the most delicious sandwich I have eaten in my entire life.


    Private museums are mostly vanity projects. Few invent social spaces. It may be the ultimate tribute to Mr. Koolhaas and OMA to say that the Prada campus works. The plazas are poetic. The galleries are practical and varied.


    Ms. Prada should be pleased and maybe a little worried. It’s up to the foundation to program these spaces for generations to come.


    Architecturally speaking, there’s a lot to live up to.


      上一篇:减肥总是失败,这是你的基因决定的 下一篇:在《卡萨布兰卡》咖啡馆追忆旧时光


