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    It took only two weeks for Michelle Obama’s memoir Becoming to top the 2018 book charts. Its publisher, Penguin Random House, announced on Nov. 30 that the book sold more than 2 million copies across the US and Canada in the 15 days since its launch on Nov. 13. The number includes all formats, including e-book and audiobook.


    That means it has sold more copies than any other book published in the US and Canada in the entire year of 2018, Random House said, citing NPD Bookscan, a publishing industry data service.

    兰登书屋援引出版业数据服务商NPD Bookscan的报告称,这意味着该书的销量超过了美国和加拿大出版的所有其他书籍在2018年的总销量。

    Becoming tops nonfiction bestseller lists not only in the US, but also in a number of other countries around the world, including the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Norway, and is being published in 31 languages.


    Events on Obama’s book tour are also selling out, Random House said. In New York, people were waiting more than 16 hours in the cold for a book signing.


    The book gives unprecedented insight into Obama’s life after a decade in the global spotlight. In it, she talks about her marriage, race, career, family, and various associated struggles. She also lays into Donald Trump.


    lay into [le ˈɪntu]: v. 痛打;痛斥

    Meanwhile, her memoir surpassed in sales the loudest book account of the Trump presidency, Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury, despite the latter’s 11-month head start.


    Former first lady Michelle Obama signs copies of her memoir "Becoming" at the Seminary Co-op Bookstore in Chicago, Illinois, US, November 13, 2018. REUTERS/Kamil Krzaczynski


    首先,这本回忆录分为三部分:Becoming Me(成为我), Becoming Us(成为我们), 以及Becoming More(成为更好的自己)。

    According to The Washington Post, Mrs. Obama reveals that she suffered a miscarriage 20 years ago during the Becoming Us section, and she was able to conceive her two daughters, Malia and Sasha, through IVF treatments. She notes that many of the treatments were done during her husband Barack's time serving in the state legislature, so she had to administer the shots herself.


    She writes that she will "never forgive" Trump for spreading the baseless "birther" conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.


    "What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls? Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family's safety at risk. And for this I'd never forgive him," Michelle Obama writes.


    innuendo[,ɪnju'ɛndo]: n. 暗讽,讽刺;影射

    在谈到这本畅销书时,米歇尔·奥巴马还提到了一个关于lean in的理论,并指出了其中的缺陷。

    The phrase “lean in” was popularized by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. In her book by the same name, Sandberg encouraged women not to voluntarily scale back in their careers under the assumption they wouldn’t be able to combine work and family.

    短语lean in(向前一步)是被脸谱网首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格带火的。在她的同名书中,桑德伯格鼓励女性不要自认为无法让事业和家庭齐头并进,就自愿在事业上做出让步和牺牲。

    scale back [skel bæk]: vt. 相应缩减;按比例缩减

    Oprah Winfrey talks with former first lady Michelle Obama as she begins her Becoming book tour with a stop at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois, US, November 13, 2018. REUTERS/Kamil Krzaczynski

    During her book tour, Obama has spoken often of the tensions that arose in her own marriage during the early years of child-rearing. “When you get married and you have kids, your whole plan, once again, gets upended,” she told Oprah Winfrey. “Now I’ve got two kids, and I’m trying to hold everything down while he’s traveling back and forth from Washington or Springfield.”


    upend[ʌp'ɛnd]: vt. 倒放,颠倒

    "It’s not always enough to lean in, because that shit doesn’t work all the time,” Obama told a ticketed crowd at the Barclays Center in New York on Dec. 1.



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