教程:时尚话题  浏览:383  
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    After you've been sitting awhile, it feels good tostand. Eventually your body aches to unfurl from thechair: Your muscles announce what they need loudand clear. It works on the flip side, too; when you'vebeen standing for hours, your feet bark for a break.


    The same kind of internal cues can apply to eating. After weeks of holiday feasting it feels good - arelief, even - to eat lighter and more healthfully again. We've been eating for pure pleasureand may have gone a bit overboard, so our impulse is to counter with a punishing, hyper-strict diet. It's as if after binge-watching Netflix on the sofa all day, instead of getting up andenjoying a nice, juicy stretch or walk outside, we force ourselves to stand indefinitely in acorner facing the wall.





    That culturally ingrained notion that we need to repent after indulging is one reason the dietindustry booms in January. Another reason is the social media amplified rallying cry thatgoing keto or paleo or doing some kind of "cleanse" is THE ANSWER. If you feel untetheredeating-wise and uncomfortable in your clothes, and if you've sworn to yourself that you'dstart getting healthy in January, you are especially vulnerable to the promise of these diets. There are the convincing before-and-after pictures, the rules that seem so comfortinglystraightforward, and the tribe of converts ready to welcome you into their fold.


    That's the veneer, anyway; the reality behind it is a lot more nuanced. While there are validrationales for going on certain diets, there are just as many - if not more - for going on no dietat all.


    Diets can get you obsessing about things like macro ratios and (ugh!) talking about them at thedinner table (if the plan even allows for dinner at a table) when you could be focusing on thejoys of eating good food and engaging in meaningful conversation. The truth is, in the longrun, no single plan has proved to be markedly better at keeping you fit than any other.


    So instead of punishing yourself in a dietary straitjacket this year, try pivoting in a healthydirection that gives you room to move more freely.


      上一篇:2019年度最佳饮食 下一篇:减肥小方法—无关食物或锻炼


