That's where U.S. News and World Report's annualrankings come in handy. Every January, theorganization ranks the best overall diets along withthe best diets for specific goals or criteria. Thisyear, the Mediterranean Diet continues its reign at the top of the rankings, followed by theDASH Diet and the Flexitarian Diet.
因此,《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News and World Report)的年度排名开始派上用场。每年一月份,该组织都会排名最佳整体饮食以及用于特定目标或标准的最佳饮食。今年,地中海饮食继续位列榜首,位列其后的是预防高血压饮食(DASH饮食)和弹性饮食。

The 2019 rankings include 41 of today's most popular diets. New to the list this year is theNordic Diet, a plant-heavy eating plan that incorporates Scandinavian traditions and ranked 9thbest overall.
Best overall diets
For the last eight years, the DASH Diet (which stands for Dietary Approach to StoppingHypertension) has been ranked the best overall diet by U.S. News. Last year it tied for firstwith the Mediterranean Diet, and this year it's been bumped to No. 2 for the first time.
U.S. News's panel of experts noted that the Mediterranean Diet earned this year's top spotbecause research suggests it can help improve longevity and ward off chronic disease. TheMediterranean Diet was also ranked No. 1 in several other categories: Easiest Diet to Follow, Best Diet for Healthy Living, and Best Diet for Diabetes. It also tied with the Ornish Diet forBest Diet for Heart Health.
《美国新闻与世界报道》专家小组指出:地中海饮食今年位列榜首,因为研究表明此种饮食有助于让人们长寿、抵御慢性病。在最易遵循的饮食、健康生活的最佳饮食和最适合糖尿病的饮食排行榜中,地中海饮食也夺得头魁。在最适合心脏健康的饮食排行中,地中海饮食与欧尼许饮食(Ornish Diet)并列第一。
"The Mediterranean Diet has been studied extensively, so that's a big part of it," says panelistDavid Katz, MD, director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center. But the diet-whichemphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein-also gets top billing because it'spractical, he adds.
"地中海饮食已被广泛研究,是其名列榜首的重要原因,"大卫·卡茨(David Katz)医学博士说道。他是本次评选的专家之一,同时也是耶鲁-格里芬预防研究中心的主任。但地中海饮食的实用性--多吃水果、蔬菜、全谷物和瘦肉蛋白--也是其位列第一的原因之一,他补充道。
"This is a traditional diet of a large region of the world where people happily go to enjoy thefood," Dr. Katz tells Health. "This is very manageable; it's not suffering, it's not excludingthings-it's something that people and families really can do."