“Fear of missing out” is a common way to describe how social media can make people feellike everyone else is part of something — a concert, a secret beach, a brunch — that they’renot. A new wrinkle in this concept is that sometimes that “something” is a social mediaplatform itself. Maybe you saw a photo of some friends on Instagram at a great party andwondered why you weren’t there. But then, next in your feed, you saw a weird video, watermarked with a vibrating TikTok logo, scored with a song you’d never heard, starring aperson you’d never seen. Maybe you saw one of the staggering number of ads for TikTokplastered throughout other social networks, and the real world, and wondered why you weren’tat that party, either, and why it seemed so far away.
It’s been a while since a new social app got big enough, quickly enough, to make nonusers feelthey’re missing out from an experience. If we exclude Fortnite, which is very social but alsovery much a game, the last time an app inspired such interest from people who weren’t on itwas … maybe Snapchat? (Not a coincidence that Snapchat’s audience skewed very young, too.)
And while you, perhaps an anxious abstainer, may feel perfectly secure in your “choice” not tojoin that service, Snapchat has more daily users than Twitter, changed the course of itsindustry, and altered the way people communicate with their phones. TikTok, now reportedly500 million users strong, is not so obvious in its intentions. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’thave them! Shall we?
The basic human explanation of TikTok.
TikTok is an app for making and sharing short videos. The videos are tall, not square, like onSnapchat or Instagram’s stories, but you navigate through videos by scrolling up and down, like a feed, not by tapping or swiping side to side.
Video creators have all sorts of tools at their disposal: filters as on Snapchat (and later, everyone else); the ability to search for sounds to score your video. Users are also stronglyencouraged to engage with other users, through “response” videos or by means of “duets” — users can duplicate videos and add themselves alongside.
Hashtags play a surprisingly large role on TikTok. In more innocent times, Twitter hoped itsusers might congregate around hashtags in a never-ending series of productive pop-up mini-discourses. On TikTok, hashtags actually exist as a real, functional organizing principle: notfor news, or even really anything trending anywhere else than TikTok, but for various“challenges,” or jokes, or repeating formats, or other discernible blobs of activity.
TikTok is, however, a free-for-all. It’s easy to make a video on TikTok, not just because of thetools it gives users, but because of extensive reasons and prompts it provides for you. You canselect from an enormous range of sounds, from popular song clips to short moments fromTV shows, YouTube videos or other TikToks. You can join a dare-like challenge, or participatein a dance meme, or make a joke. Or you can make fun of all of these things.
TikTok assertively answers anyone’s what should I watch with a flood. In the same way, the appprovides plenty of answers for the paralyzing what should I post? The result is an endlessunspooling of material that people, many very young, might be too self-conscious to post onInstagram, or that they never would have come up with in the first place without a nudge. Itcan be hard to watch. It can be charming. It can be very, very funny. It is frequently, in thelanguage widely applied outside the platform, from people on other platforms, extremely“cringe.”
So that’s what’s on TikTok. What is it?
TikTok can feel, to an American audience, a bit like a greatest hits compilation, featuring onlythe most engaging elements and experiences of its predecessors. This is true, to a point. ButTikTok — known as Douyin in China, where its parent company is based — must also beunderstood as one of the most popular of many short-video-sharing apps in that country. Thisis a landscape that evolved both alongside and at arm’s length from the American techindustry — Instagram, for example, is banned in China.
Under the hood, TikTok is a fundamentally different app than American users have used before. It may look and feel like its friend-feed-centric peers, and you can follow and be followed; ofcourse there are hugely popular “stars,” many cultivated by the company itself. There’smessaging. Users can and do use it like any other social app. But the various aesthetic andfunctional similarities to Vine or Snapchat or Instagram belie a core difference: TikTok ismore machine than man. In this way, it’s from the future — or at least a future. And it hassome messages for us.
Consider the trajectory of what we think of as the major social apps.
Instagram and Twitter could only take us so far.
Twitter gained popularity as a tool for following people and being followed by other people andexpanded from there. Twitter watched what its users did with its original concept andformalized the conversational behaviors they invented. (See: Retweets. See again: hashtags.) Only then, and after going public, did it start to become more assertive. It made morerecommendations. It started reordering users’ feeds based on what it thought they might wantto see, or might have missed. Opaque machine intelligence encroached on the originalsystem.
Something similar happened at Instagram, where algorithmic recommendation is now a verynoticeable part of the experience, and on YouTube, where recommendations shuttle onearound the platform in new and often … let’s say surprising ways. Some users might feelaffronted by these assertive new automatic features, which are clearly designed to increaseinteraction. One might reasonably worry that this trend serves the lowest demands of abrutal attention economy that is revealing tech companies as cynical time-mongers andturning us into mindless drones.
These changes have also tended to work, at least on those terms. We often do spend more timewith the apps as they’ve become more assertive, and less intimately human, even as we’vecomplained.
What’s both crucial and easy to miss about TikTok is how it has stepped over the midpointbetween the familiar self-directed feed and an experience based first on algorithmicobservation and inference. The most obvious clue is right there when you open the app: thefirst thing you see isn’t a feed of your friends, but a page called “For You.” It’s an algorithmicfeed based on videos you’ve interacted with, or even just watched. It never runs out ofmaterial. It is not, unless you train it to be, full of people you know, or things you’ve explicitlytold it you want to see. It’s full of things that you seem to have demonstrated you want towatch, no matter what you actually say you want to watch.
关于TikTok,一个非常关键同时又容易忽略的地方在于,在熟悉的自导向信息源和一种首先基于算法观察和推理的经验之间的那个中点,它是如何跨过去的。当你打开这款应用时,最显而易见的线索就在那里:你首先看到的不是好友动态,而是一个名为“For You”(为你准备)的页面。它是一个算法动态,基于你互动过的视频,甚至只是观看过的视频。它有着取之不竭的素材。除非你对它进行训练,或者明确告诉它你希望看到什么,否则上面全是你不认识的人,或者你未必想看的东西。不管你实际上告诉它你想看什么,经过训练后的它,上面都是你似乎表现出来你想要看的东西。
It is constantly learning from you and, over time, builds a presumably complex but opaquemodel of what you tend to watch, and shows you more of that, or things like that, or thingsrelated to that, or, honestly, who knows, but it seems to work. TikTok starts makingassumptions the second you’ve opened the app, before you’ve really given it anything to workwith. Imagine an Instagram centered entirely around its “Explore” tab, or a Twitter built around, I guess, trending topics or viral tweets, with “following” bolted onto the side.
Imagine a version of Facebook that was able to fill your feed before you’d friended a singleperson. That’s TikTok.
Its mode of creation is unusual, too. You can make stuff for your friends, or in response toyour friends, sure. But users looking for something to post about are immediately recruited intogroup challenges, or hashtags, or shown popular songs. The bar is low. The stakes are low. Large audiences feel within reach, and smaller ones are easy to find, even if you’re justmessing around.
On most social networks the first step to showing your content to a lot of people is grinding tobuild an audience, or having lots of friends, or being incredibly beautiful or wealthy or idle andwilling to display that, or getting lucky or striking viral gold. TikTok instead encouragesusers to jump from audience to audience, trend to trend, creating something like simulatedtemporary friend groups, who get together to do friend-group things: to share an inside joke; to riff on a song; to talk idly and aimlessly about whatever is in front of you. Feedback is instantand frequently abundant; virality has a stiff tailwind. Stimulation is constant. There is anunmistakable sense that you’re using something that’s expanding in every direction. The poolof content is enormous. Most of it is meaningless. Some of it becomes popular, and some isgreat, and some gets to be both. As The Atlantic’s Taylor Lorenz put it, “Watching too many in arow can feel like you’re about to have a brain freeze. They’reincredibly addictive.”
在大多数社交网络上,向很多人发布内容的第一步是努力建立一个受众群;或者拥有很多朋友;或者非常漂亮、富有、空闲,并且愿意展示这些东西;或者特别幸运;又或者碰巧撞到能以病毒级传播的黄金内容。相反,TikTok鼓励用户从一群观众跳到另一群观众,从一个趋势跳到另一个趋势,创建一些类似于模拟临时朋友群组的东西,他们聚在一起做朋友群组做的事:分享一个内部笑话;即兴翻唱一首歌;漫无目的地谈论面前的一切。反馈是即时的,而且往往是丰富的;病毒级传播有很强的推动力。刺激是恒定的。你会得到一种明确的感觉:你正在使用一种向各个方向扩展的东西。内容非常巨大。大部分都毫无意义。有些东西会流行起来,有些东西很棒,有些二者兼备。正如《大西洋》月刊(The Atlantic)的泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)所说,“一口气看太多视频会让你感觉大脑都麻木了,非常容易上瘾。”
TikTok is just doing to you what you told it to do.
In 1994, the artist and software developer Karl Sims demonstrated “virtual creatures” thatmoved in realistic ways discovered through “genetic algorithms.” These simulations, throughtrial and error, gradually arrived at some pre-existing shapes and movements: wriggling, slithering, dragging and walking.
1994年,艺术家和软件开发者卡尔·西蒙斯(Karl Sims)展示了用“遗传算法”发现的以逼真方式移动的“虚拟动物”。这些通过试错得出的模拟逐步得出了某些已存在的形状和运动:扭动、滑动、拖拽和行走。
But some early models, which emphasized the creatures’ ability to cover a certain distance asquickly as possible, resulted in the evolution of a very tall, rigid being that simply fell over. Indoing so, it “moved” more quickly than a wriggling peer. It didn’t understand itsevolutionary priority as “creature-like locomotion.” It needed to get to a certain place asefficiently as possible. And it did.
Older social apps are continuously evolving, too. Their models prioritize growth and discovery, of course, but also assume the centrality of your people: the accounts you follow and whichfollow you, or with whom you communicate directly, and are bound up in their founding mythsand structures: Facebook’s social graph; the News Feed; the Instagram feed; Twitter’s rigiduser relationships.
TikTok though is the towering stick falling far and fast, not caring to wait to evolve through awriggling, cumbersome social phase, but instead asking: Why not just start showing peoplethings and see what they do about it? Why not just ask people to start making things and seewhat happens? If engagement is how success is measured, why not just design the appwhere taking up time is the entire point? There’s no rule, in apps or elsewhere, againstengagement for engagement’s sake. Let the creature grow tall and fall upon us all.
In What Laboratory Was This Monster Made?
TikTok is far from an evolutionary fluke. Its parent company, ByteDance, recently valued atmore than $75 billion dollars, bills itself first as an artificial intelligence company, not acreator of mission-driven social platforms. TikTok was merged with Musical.ly, a socialnetwork initially built around lip-syncing and dancing and adopted by very young people. Itstill carries a lot of Musical.ly’s DNA, and its app store reviews contain more than a littleyearning for Musical.ly’s return. It was the defunct Musical.ly against which the Federal TradeCommission recently levied its largest-ever penalty for mishandling the private data of youngusers.
TikTok绝不是什么进化上的侥幸产物。其母公司字节跳动(ByteDance)最近的估值超过了750亿美元,它首先将自己标榜为一家人工智能公司,而不是使命驱动型社交平台的创造者。TikTok与Musical.ly合并,后者是一个社交网络,最初建立在对口型演唱和跳舞的基础上,用户是非常年轻的人群。TikTok仍然带有很多Musical.ly的DNA,它的应用商店评论里也有不少人呼吁Musical.ly的回归。最近,美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)对这个已经不复存在的Musical.ly处以有史以来最大的罚款,原因是对年轻用户的私人数据处理不当。
“ByteDance’s content platforms enable people to enjoy content powered by AI technology,” itswebsite says. Its vision is “to build global creation and interaction platforms.” ByteDance’swildly popular news and entertainment portal, Jinri Toutiao (translated as “Today’sHeadlines,”) relies heavily on AI — not human editors, or a self-selected feed of accounts — tocurate and create customized streams of largely user-and-partner-generated content tailoredto each of its readers.
These are services where a sort of “filter” bubble — isolating users into worlds of points ofview — isn’t an unintended consequence. It’s the point. And it’s extremely effective: BothToutiao and Douyin have drawn attention from Chinese regulators for, among many otherthings, some familiar to any large social-ish platform, and others unique to its speech-constrained political environment, capturing too much user time. As a result, TikTok’s“Digital Wellbeing” settings include an option to enforce a password-protected time limit. Thecompany’s other challenges can be addressed more assertively: an algorithm-first attentionmarket isn’t just centrally ruled, it’s centrally allocated.
Why Do People Spend Hours on TikTok? It’s the Machines.
All of this goes a long way to explain why, at least at first, TikTok can seem disorienting. “You’renot actually sure why you’re seeing what you’re seeing,” said Ankur Thakkar, the formereditorial lead at Vine, TikTok’s other most direct forerunner. On Vine, a new user might nothave had much to watch, or felt much of a reason to create anything, but they understood theircontext: the list of people they followed, which was probably the thing letting them down.
“It’s doing the thing that Twitter tried to solve, that everyone tried to solve,” he said. “How doyou get people to engage?” Apparently you just … show them things, and let a powerfulartificial intelligence take notes. You start sending daily notifications immediately. You tellthem what to do. You fake it till you make it, algorithmically speaking.
American social platforms, each fighting their own desperate and often stock-price-relatedfights to increase user engagement, have been trending in TikTok’s general direction for awhile. It is possible, today, to receive highly personalized and effectively infinite contentrecommendations in YouTube without ever following a single account, because Google alreadywatches what you do, and makes guesses about who you are. And while Facebook and Twitterdon’t talk about their products this way, we understand that sometimes — maybe a lot of thetime — we use them just to fill time. They, in turn, want as much of our time as possible, andare quite obviously doing whatever they can to get it.

So maybe you’ll sit TikTok out. But these things have a way of sneaking up behind you. Maybeyou never joined Snapchat — but its rise worried Facebook so much that its prettier product, Instagram, was remade in its image, and copied concepts from Snapchat reached you there.
And maybe you skipped Twitter — but it still rewired your entire news diet, and, besides, it’show the president talks to you, now.
TikTok does away with many of the assumptions other social platforms have been built upon, and which they are in the process of discarding anyway. It questions the primacy of individualconnections and friend networks. It unapologetically embraces central control rather thanpretending it doesn’t have it. TikTok’s real influence going forward may be that the other socialmedia platforms decide that our friends were simply holding us back. Or, at least, it was holdingthem back.