加拿大的咖啡连锁品牌蒂姆霍顿斯(Tim Hortons)于今年2月26日在中国开了第一家店,加入了中国这一有着数十家咖啡竞争对手的快速扩张市场。该店位于上海黄浦区,是TimHortons在全球范围内的第4580家分店,也是与纽约招募股份投资公司笛卡尔资本集团(Cartesian Capital Group)达成独家特许经营协议的结果。
While Tim Hortons is still relatively unknown in China, Cartesian Capital Group is no strangerto the country. In 2012, it became one of the key players behind the further expansion of theBurger King fastfood brand on the Chinese mainland.
虽然国内朋友可能大多都不知道Tim Hortons这一品牌,但想必大家对笛卡尔资本集团并不陌生吧?在2012年,笛卡尔成为汉堡王快餐品牌在中国大陆进一步扩张的关键推动者。
In addition to classic offerings such as the Double Double, a coffee with two creams and twosugars, the Shanghai outlet serves a selection of light snacks exclusive to the Chinesemarket, such as salted egg yolk timbits and black pepper beef-flavored rolls.
除了经典的双份糖奶咖啡(Double Double),Tim Hortons上海店还会供应一系列只在中国市场出售的轻零食,比如咸蛋黄甜甜圈和黑胡椒牛肉卷。

Lu Yongchen, Tim Hortons China CEO, said: "I don't think we are very late to the game. Chinais a big market with huge potential. Chinese customers only consume an average of five cupsof coffee per year. In cities such as Shanghai, consumers drink about 20 a year, but this is stillmuch lower than in places such as Europe, the United States, South Korea and Japan."
Tim Hortons中国区首席执行官陆永晨(Lu Yongchen)说道:"我认为我们加入中国市场的时间并不算晚。中国是一个潜力巨大的大市场。中国消费者平均每年会喝5杯咖啡。在上海这样的城市,消费者每年会喝20杯,但依旧远低于欧洲、美国、韩国、日本等地的咖啡饮用量。"
According to industry experts, Shanghai is the epicentre of China's burgeoning coffee culture. Mark Tanner, managing director in Shanghai for marketing and research agency China Skinny, cites three reasons why most companies choose the city to first enter the Chinese market.
业内专家表示,上海是中国蓬勃发展的咖啡文化的中心。营销和研究机构China Skinny上海区常务董事马克·坦纳(Mark Tanner)引用了大多数公司将上海作为进入中国市场首选地的三条原因。
"First, Shanghai has historically been the most outward-looking city in China, and as coffee isan 'imported habit', people from the city were always going to be the most likely to adopt it enmasse.
"Second, the influence of expatriates in Shanghai cannot be understated. In the time I havelived in the city, I've seen a number of foreign trends gaining exposure through expats, andmany locals adopting and tailoring them to their own needs," Tanner said.
"Third, coffee isn't cheap in China, but given Shanghai's affluence and willingness to spendon leisure and food and beverages, people are less put off by the cost."