Those headlines you may be seeing today seem to stem from a Medium article published lastweek, which posed the question, "Are AirPods and Other Bluetooth Headphones Safe?" Thearticle quotes Jerry Phillips, PhD, a professor of biochemistry at the University of Colorado atColorado Springs, who says he's concerned about AirPods because "their placement in the earcanal exposes tissues in the head to relatively high levels of radio-frequency radiation."
你所看到的这些头条新闻似乎都源于Medium期刊上周发表的一篇文章,提出了这样一个问题,"AirPods和其它的蓝牙耳机安全吗?"该篇文章引用了科罗拉多斯普林斯市科罗拉多大学生物化学系教授杰瑞·菲利普斯(Jerry Phillips)博士的一段话,菲利普斯表示他很担心AirPods耳机,因为"将蓝牙耳机置于耳道中会使大脑组织暴露于相对较高水平的射频辐射。"
The article also points out that Phillips is "not alone" in his concerns about wireless Bluetoothdevices, citing a petitionthis addressed to the United Nations and the World Health Organizationand signed by 250 researchers from more than 40 countries.

But here's something that's getting lost in the news reports this week: That petition doesn'tmention AirPods by name, or even wireless headphones. Rather, the letter expresses "seriousconcern" about the potential health risks of non-ionizing electromagnetic field (EMF) technology, which is used by all Bluetooth devices.
The petition's not new, either. It was first published in 2015 and last updated on January 1 ofthis year. Among the devices it calls out by name are "cellular and cordless phones and theirbase stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors."
Ken Foster, PhD, a professor of bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania whose researchinvolves the safety of electromagnetic fields, says he's not buying the latest hype aboutearbuds. "What's the news here? Someone's trying to play the media by resurrecting thispetition," he tells Health.
宾夕法尼亚大学的生物工程学教授肯·佛斯特(Ken Foster)博士的研究涉及电磁场的安全性,他表示不相信近来有关耳机的传闻。"这有什么值得关注的?有些人试图重新利用这份请愿来戏弄媒体,"他对《健康》杂志说道。
Yes, it's true that wireless Bluetooth headphones emit radiation. It's also true that Apple soldan estimated 28 million pairs of its iconic AirPods last year-and that there's not a ton of long-term research on the safety of this type of radiation.