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    We are surrounded by chemicals – in food and drink, cleaning products, household items and furnishings. Here's how to reduce household pollution.




    Cleaning products, cooking, candles and buildingmaterials all contribute to pollution inside ourhomes. The British Lung Foundation (BLF) recommends choosing fragrance-free cleaning products and using solid or liquid productswhen possible, rather than sprays. It also advises opening windows or skylights, especiallywhen cooking or showering, and avoiding the use of several candles or incense sticks in asmall room such as a bathroom. As outdoor pollution can also travel into the home, the BLFalso suggests keeping windows closed when Defra's Daily Air Quality Index is high.





    Cut down on plastic


    The synthetic chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) is found in many plastic products and can beingested or absorbed through skin contact, potentially disrupting the endocrine system. Ninety-five percent of adults are thought to have traces of BPA in their bodies throughcontinuous exposure – Tamara Galloway, a professor of ecotoxicology at the University ofExeter, says avoiding heavily processed and packaged food can help to limit exposure. Breastfeeding or buying baby bottles with a BPA-free label are also among herrecommendations.


    Make your own cleaning products


    The author of All You Need is Less: A Guilt-Free Guide to Eco-Friendly Living and Stress-FreeSimplicity, Madeleine Somerville, says soap, baking soda and vinegar are all you need tomake your own cleaning sprays. She recommends filling a spray bottle with hot water, leaving afew inches at the top, before adding a 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 2 tbsp of eco-friendlywashing-up liquid and an optional 1tbsp of borax.

    《所有你需要的是更少: 环保生活和无压力指南》一书的作者马德琳·萨默维尔说,制作你自己的清洁喷雾只需要肥皂、苏打粉和醋。 她建议在喷雾瓶中加入热水,顶部留出几英寸,然后加入1杯白醋,2汤匙环保洗洁精和1汤匙硼砂。

    Reduce dust and tackle any damp or mould


    A 2016 US study identified 45 toxic chemicals in indoor dust, including phthalates, flameretardants and phenols. "Because indoor dust contains chemicals from a wide variety ofproducts, it is like a parking lot for chemicals in the home," wrote Veena Singla, co-author ofthe study from the Natural Resources Defense Council in California. Simple steps to reduceexposure include washing hands with plain soap and water, keeping household dust to aminimum by dusting with a damp cloth and using a vacuum with a high-efficiency particulateair (Hepa) filter. Damp and mould can also affect your immune system, as well as increasethe chance of respiratory problems. Preventing the build-up of condensation is key, says theNHS, though mould be must removed carefully so as not to release spores.

    2016年美国的一项研究发现,室内灰尘中含有45种有毒化学物质,包括邻苯二甲酸盐、阻燃剂和酚类。加利福尼亚州自然资源保护委员会的这项研究的合著者维娜·辛格拉(Veena Singla)写道:“因为室内灰尘含有来自多种产品的化学物质,它就像是家里放化学物质的停车场。”。减少暴露的简单步骤:用普通的肥皂和水洗手,用湿布擦拭,用高效滤网过滤器吸尘,将家里的灰尘降到最低。潮湿和发霉也会影响你的免疫系统,同时增加呼吸问题的风险。英国国民健康保险制度(NHS)说,防止冷凝物积聚是关键,不过必须小心地除去霉菌,以免释放出孢子。

    Consider your paint choices


    As well as the fumes and chemicals given out during painting, freshly decorated walls cancontinue to pollute long after they are dry. Paint labelled "ecofriendly" or "natural" due to itslowered levels of volatile organic compound (VOC) are not necessarily "green", wroteinterior design journalist Katherine Sorrell. Among her recommendations are Edward BulmerNatural Paint, Aglaia, Biofa, Earthborn and Ecos Organic Paints.

    在刷漆过程中会产生化学物质,新装修的墙壁在干燥后会继续污染很长时间。 室内设计记者 KatherineSorrell 写道,由于降低了VOC的含量,所以涂料被标注为"环保型"或"自然型"并不一定是“绿色”。她的推荐Edward Bulmer Natural Paint、Aglaia、Biofa、 Earthborn 和 Ecos Organic Paints等品牌油漆。

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