A 38-year-old Wales woman has magically made herway into the book of Guinness World Records byamassing 3,686 pieces of collectibles related to"Harry Potter" creator J.K. Rowling.

Victoria Maclean started collecting Rowling-related keepsakes 18 years ago when she waspregnant and got her hands on a first edition copy of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher'sStone."
"I am not one for following trends ... however, something struck a chord with me with HarryPotter," Maclean explained on her YouTube channel.
She instantly connected with the boy magician, who was in school before unlocking his uniquetalents. Maclean, a late bloomer who was teased as a kid because she struggled with readingand writing, found her secret gift was an eye for J.K. Rowling paraphernalia.
"I realized then that I was a true professional, proper, number one, definitely going to do itcollector of Harry Potter memorabilia," said Maclean. She estimates that her collection, whichisn't limited to Harry Potter, is worth $100,000.