Three recent studies have debunked this, however, with their results showing that it makes very little difference in most people.
We all need vitamin D, which the body creates as a response to ultraviolet radiation. We get this radiation through exposure to the sun, but it can also be harmful and cause skin cancer.
So, this is great news, as the studies seem to have debunked the idea that wearing sunscreen to protect against UV rays doesn’t impact vitamin D synthesis.
One of the studies sent three groups to Tenerife, and gave each of them different sunscreen options that had differing levels of UVA and UVB protection. Another group were asked to stay where they lived in Poland, where UV levels are much lower.
The study actually found that those who’d used SPF15 with broad spectrum protection had the highest levels of vitamin D. Subjects’ blood was tested before, during, and after the holidays.
Lead author of the study Professor Antony Young, of King’s College London, said of: ‘Sunscreens can prevent sunburn and skin cancer, but there has been a lot of uncertainty about the effects of sunscreens on Vitamin D. Our study, during a week of perfect weather in Tenerife, showed that sunscreens, even when used optimally to prevent sunburn, allowed excellent vitamin D synthesis’.Further studies showing similar results are due to be published by the BMJ, with findings meaning you can enjoy the sun – protected – and still get your vitamin D fix.
该研究的第一作者,伦敦国王学院的Antony Young教授表示,防晒霜可以防止晒伤和皮肤癌,但含有不同成分的防晒霜对维生素D的生成具有未知的影响。实验是在Tenerife岛天气晴朗的一周内完成的,实验表明防晒霜有利于维生素D的合成,你既可以享受防晒,也可以补充维生素D。