The average time spent by recruitment managers for analyzing a resume is 5 to 7 seconds. Let's say you're one of the lucky ones who caught their attention. What's next? Sweaty hands, racing heart, restless legs... In short, a job interview. Whether you're crapping your pants while waiting to be evaluated or recovering from another fiasco, it's probably best to stop obsessing about it. And what better way to accept your shortcomings than realizing there are many more who are going through the exact same thing? Bored Panda has compiled a list of hilarious memes that perfectly sum up every job interview ever and it's just what you need to ease the pain. So relax, continue scrolling, and enjoy!
招聘经理分析简历的平均时间为5到7秒。假设你是吸引他们注意的幸运儿之一。接下来是什么?手出汗,心跳加速,抖腿……简而言之,面试。无论你是在等待评估的时候尿裤子,还是从另一场惨败中恢复过来,最好不要再纠结于此。还有什么比意识到有更多的人正在经历同样的事情更能让你接受自己的缺点呢?Bored Panda网站整理了一份搞笑表情包清单,完美地总结了每一次面试,这正是你缓解痛苦所需要的。所以放松身心,往下看吧。
图片来源:instagram @Li