Here you are, walking home with your new plant squeezed to your side. You put it down in the most beautiful corner of your house, take a step back and smile to yourself like a new parent looking at its baby with adoration. Then a few weeks go by, the leaves start to turn yellowish, you try to help it with fertilizer but it just dies on you. We’ve all been there just once too many times, right? But hear me out, there’s a solution! There’s this smart planter that can turn any plant of yours into a life-like creature!
‘Lua’ smart planter will turn any plant of yours into a life-like pet
‘Mu Design’ came up with a brilliant idea to help people all over the world keep their plants alive and happy by turning them into Tamagotchi-like pets by giving them a way to communicate via this smart planter.
“Mu Design”想出了一个绝妙的主意,帮助世界各地的人们让他们的植物保持活力和快乐,把它们变成类似于tamagotchi的宠物,让它们可以通过这个智能花盆进行交流。
Using an app to show you how exactly does your plant feel
The only thing you have to do is to connect your phone to the planter by downloading an app and scanning a QR code with your planter. You also need to select what kind of plant is it, so you know what exactly does your little friend need at the moment.
Displaying emotions on a LED screen
The screen on the planter is able to show you 15 different emotions expressing plants’ basic needs such as more sunshine or water. It also does a cute squinting face to let you know if the last tropical rain of your creation was a bit too much or if it’s too cold.
A motion sensor allows it to follow movement
It’s so much more fun to take care of your little green pet when it can follow your movements. But be aware not to screw up if you don’t want a grumpy glare!
And interact with the environment as well
The planter displays an array of emotions including a vampire face with its fangs stuck out to let you know it could do with a little bit of sunshine. It will glare off your pet if it tries to sneak up on it as well. Isn’t it just life-like, huh?
It’s not for sale yet, though
The company hopes to ship their products by December 2019 but for now, they have a Indiegogo campaign set up with 30,000€ as their fixed goal, having raised 57% of it thus far. Let’s bid them good luck so we can all turn our green babies into these cute little pets!
More info: Mu Design
Image credits: Mu Design