Going to an Ivy League school seems to seriously pay off.
Six of the eight Ivies made the Wealth-X top-20 list of universities with ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) alumni, which ranks the schools with the wealthiest grads in the US and abroad, as well as how their wealth was made.
8所常春藤盟校中,有6所跻身“财富x”(wealth - x)富豪榜前20名。该榜单对美国和海外毕业生最富有的学校进行了排名,并对这些学校的财富来源进行了分析。
Each of the top 20 global universities on the 2019 University Ultra-High-Net-Worth Alumni Rankings had at least 2,000 UHNW alumni, and the top five had more than 3,000. Ultra-high-net-worth is defined by Wealth-X as those with a net worth of greater than $30 million.
According to the rankings, Harvard is in a league of its own. With more than 13,650 estimated UHNW alumni worth $4.769 trillion, the private Ivy League university in Massachusetts has produced more than double the number of wealthy grads than Stanford (where Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin met) and the University of Pennsylvania (alma mater of Berkshire Hathaway owner Warren Buffett and Tesla CEO Elon Musk) — who were in second and third place on both the global and national lists.
根据排名,哈佛自己就是一个联盟。据估计,马萨诸塞州私立常春藤联盟大学的校友人数超过13650人,达到了4.769万亿美元,比斯坦福大学(Google的联合创始人拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林曾在斯坦福大学)和宾西法尼亚大学(B的母校)两倍多。埃尔克希尔哈撒韦公司(Erkshire Hathaway)老板沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)和特斯拉(Tesla)首席执行官埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)在全球和全国排名第二和第三。
Stanford University has an estimated 5,580 UHNW alumni worth $2.899 trillion, while the University of Pennsylvania has an estimated 5,575 UHNW alumni worth $1.780 trillion.
Granted, it costs a fortune to get in the front door at many of these places in the first place. Less than 5% of students at Ivy League and elite colleges come from families whose income falls in the bottom 20%, while more than 14 percent of them come from the top 1%. Harvard students can pay more than $70,000 a year to attend the elite institution.
What’s more, Wealth-X reports that almost 80% of this group made their own fortunes, rather than inheriting it. In fact, most of the UHNW alumni (84%) were self-made. Only 7% solely inherited all of their wealth, and the greatest proportion of this trust-fund class (12%) graduated from Columbia University — although that percentage is still relatively low.
Just five public universities made the rich list, including the University of California at Berkeley (2,385 worth $760 billion), UCLA (1,945 worth $375 billion) and the University of Texas at Austin (2,195 alumni worth $463 billion).
The UHNW grads were predominantly male, but the schools with the highest proportion of female UHNW alumni included Columbia (12%), Northwestern (11%) and Boston University (10%). Their fortunes were mostly inherited or a combination of inheritance and self-made wealth.
Indeed, just 244 of the 2,153 billionaires in the world are women, and women account for just 6.6% of Fortune 500 CEOs.
Only three of the top 20 schools were outside the US, including Oxford and Cambridge universities in the UK, and INSEAD in France.
排名前20的商学院中,只有3所不在美国,分别是英国的牛津大学(Oxford)和剑桥大学(Cambridge university),以及法国的欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)。