On any given morning, as the sun peeks over the horizon, Danielle Johnson can be found crawling down the hallways of her Rochester, Minnesota, home.
在任何一个早晨,当太阳从地平线上探出头来的时候,你都能看到丹妮尔·约翰逊(Danielle Johnson)在明尼苏达州罗切斯特市(Rochester)家中的走廊上爬行。
It may sound bizarre, but Johnson crawls every day to strengthen her core muscle groups.
"You can crawl in many ways. You can crawl on your hands and knees. You can also prop up on your toes and just hover, one or two inches above the ground, which is really going to pull in those core muscles and work those muscles effectively," said Johnson, a physical therapist at the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program.
"Then, as you start to move, you're working on your shoulder girdle, you're working on your hips," she said. "If I could give one exercise to almost everybody, this would be it."
Crawling has been used as a physical therapy tool, Johnson said, and now it has been adopted for strengthening and fitness.
The idea of turning crawling like a baby into exercise has been championed by the training system Original Strength, which repurposes fundamental movements into a fitness regimen.
把像婴儿一样爬行变成锻炼的想法得到了训练系统“原始力量”(Original Strength)的支持,该系统将基本动作重新定位为健身养生法。
According to Original Strength, when you crawl, you're "pressing reset" on your central nervous system and revisiting the mobility patterns you learned as a baby.
Patterns such as crawling not only require motor skills, they involve the vestibular system, a sensory system associated with balance and spatial orientation, said Justin Klein, a chiropractor and CEO of Got Your Back Total Health in Washington, who has incorporated crawling into his practice.
脊椎指压按摩师、“让你的背部完全健康”组织(getting Your Back Total Health)首席执行官贾斯汀•克莱因(Justin Klein)表示,爬行等活动模式不仅需要运动技能,还涉及前庭神经系统。前庭神经系统与平衡和空间定向有关。
"It's like resetting the central loop in the nervous system to bring all of the parts involved in coordination, movement and reflexive stability into synchronization," Klein said.
"You have to really work to be able to breathe, keep your head up and crawl at the same time, all while keeping your pattern," he said. "That's the kind of thing where, if you are being really mindful within your crawl, it is harder than it looks."
Klein always recommends crawling as exercise to his patients, he said, from professional athletes to those injured in car accidents.