If you recall your first day at school, you probably remember how stressful it was. Suddenly you’re in a new place, surrounded by all these new faces – it can get quite overwhelming, especially when you’re a kid. However, having someone you can trust by your side can quickly make all of your fears go away.
Courtney Moore recently shared a photo of her son, Christian, holding his classmate Connor’s hand and the photo quickly went viral for all the good reasons. On their first day at school, Christian noticed Connor crying in a corner and decided to console him. At the time, Christian didn’t know that Connor had autism and that one of the reasons he was crying was because he felt overwhelmed by the new environment.
“Before school, he was super excited to start the day. I wasn’t there so I can only guess what caused him to cry and he also has very strong emotions so when he is either upset or super happy it is usually expressed in tears,” Connor’s mom April told Bored Panda.
上学前,他非常兴奋地开始新的一天。我没有在场,所以我只能猜测他为什么哭,他也有非常强烈的情绪,所以当他沮丧或超级快乐通常是用眼泪表达,”康纳的母亲四月对Bored Panda说。
A photo of two elementary school boys recently went viral for all the right reasons
While Connor’s parents weren’t present during his first day of school, they were happy to know that someone took care of him. April said that her son was diagnosed with autism when he was around 6 years old. “We realized that he was not progressing and actually regressed in some things at around 18 months but his doctors kept telling us that he was just a boy and it would just take time,” she explained. When asked what challenges Connor faces due to being neuroatypical, she said: “The challenges for him I would say is communication, he gets really frustrated when we don’t understand what he has said or when you try to talk to him about something other than what he wants to discuss. And I would say connecting with other kids is another, just recently Conner was asking his father and I to make friends for him.”
“He doesn’t have any siblings so raising him is all we know, I can only imagine it’s like raising a neurotypical child. There may be a few differences like more appointments such as speech therapy and occupational therapy, or like he took longer to potty train and has very specific foods he’s willing to eat but I’m sure it’s a huge rollercoaster of emotions for every parent out there., ” she added.
“He was kind to me. I was in the 1st day of school and I started crying then he helped me and I was happy,” said Connor Crites. The boys went on to be good friends, playing together and enjoying superhero movies. We guess it’s true what they say – true friendship knows no bounds!
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图片来源:Andželika Jasevičiūtė