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    People Couldn’t Believe Their Luck In Thrift Stores


    You can spend hours in a supermarket and still not find what you're looking for. Or you can go into a thrift store without searching for anything in particular and walk away with a full bag. I mean, how could you walk away from a plate with a drawing of a bird pooping, with the words, "Here's your snack, dumbass" written all over it? It would go beautifully with that cat-shaped dispenser that shoots tissues out of its butt. Bored Panda has collected some of the most delightfully weird second-hand finds people have ever come across and you have to see them to believe them!

    你可以在超市里呆上几个小时也找不到你要找的东西。或者你可以走进一家旧货店,什么都不找,然后拎着满满一袋就走了。我的意思是,你怎么能离开一个盘子,上面画着一只鸟在拉屎,上面还写着“这是你的点心,笨蛋”?它和那台从屁股里掏出纸巾的猫形自动售货机很配。Bored Panda收集了一些最有趣、最怪异的二手物品,你必须亲眼看到,才会相信!

    Be sure to check out Bored Panda's earlier posts about people lucking out in thrift stores, flea markets and garage sales.

    一定要看看Bored Panda之前发布的关于人们在旧货店、跳蚤市场和车库甩卖中发大财的帖子。

    #1 Two Months Ago, My 20 Year Old Kitty Passed Away. After All Those Years, I've Been Heartbroken. Yesterday I Went Downtown To The Salvation Army Store And Found This Gem. I Pasted My Kitty's Photo In The Image So You Can See How Amazing This Is.


    Linda Trem

    #2 Had To Spruce Her Up A Bit


    Amber Jones

    #3 Y'all, My Local Bin Dig Store Had A Fill-A-Cart For $10 Sale, So I Started Filling Up On Small Toys To Hand Out At Halloween. I Grabbed This Fake Credit Card, Because It Said James Bond On It. This Morning, I Noticed There Was A Slider On The Back And Opened It. It's A Freaking Lock Picking Set!!!


    Amanda L. Richards‎

    #4 I Found This Last Week And It’s Definitely My Favorite Thing I’ve Seen At An Antique Or Thrift Store. Introducing The Violin Vampire Killing Kit!


    Amanda Anatole

    #5 My 9 Year Old Daughter Found This Today At The Goodwill In Niles, Michigan. She Said He Had To Come Home With Us Because She Loves Weird Things And She Just Knew That Nobody Else Would Buy Him And He Would Be Lonely


    Katrina Hastings

    #6 My 6 Year Old Spent Her Allowance On A Hand Painted, Canvas Portrait Of A Goat She Found At The Flea Market. Yes It Came Home. It's Now Hung In Her Room


    Angie Carey

    #7 Found This Yesterday And Bought For My Son, Who Loved It! Best £2 Spent Ever!


    Rachael Slater‎

    #8 I Rescued This Incredible Globe From The Trash, It’s About 20” Tall And Handcrafted With Semi-Precious Stones And A Brass Base. Not Really That Weird But Definitely Second Hand And Pretty Unusual


    Pete Anthonius Leggio

      上一篇:挪威创造了世界上最漂亮的公共厕所 下一篇:在迪斯尼乐园,白雪公主帮助安抚哭泣的自闭症男孩


