The chonkier the cat, the more of it there is to hug and love. Four cats who are some of the cutest megafloofs we’ve ever seen are Sämpy and its furry friends Hiskias Hääppönen, Elmeri, and Nelli, all from Northern Finland.
猫越柔弱,就越需要拥抱和爱。我们见过的最可爱的四种大afloofs是Sampy和它的毛绒绒的朋友Hiskias Haapponen, Elmeri和Nelli,都来自芬兰北部。
To bring a smile to your face, brighten up your day, and give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning, we’ve compiled the chonkiest, floofiest, and most wholesome pictures of Sämpy and its pals. If you’re up for it, share this list with anyone whom you think is in need of some catto goodness. Remember to upvote your fave Finnish cat photos and scroll down.
We’d love to hug one of these cats and never let go, what with the weather getting chilly and all. What about you, dear Readers? Would you like to have a chonky cat like in these pictures? Perhaps you already own one, in which case, what can you tell us about their character and how to raise them? Share your thoughts with us in the comments and check out Bored Panda’s previous posts about cats.
我们很想抱抱其中的一只猫,永远不松手,因为天气越来越冷了。亲爱的读者们,你们呢?在这些照片中,你想要一只软绵绵的猫吗?也许你已经有一个了,在这种情况下,你能告诉我们关于他们的性格和如何培养他们吗?在评论中与我们分享你的想法,看看Bored Panda之前发布的关于猫的帖子。
In an interview with Bored Panda, Riikka Hedman, the owner of Sämpy and the other cats, gave us insights into these majestic animals, their ‘careers’ in publishing, as well how Sämpy became a beloved icon on the internet. Make sure to scroll down for the full interview!
在接受Bored Panda网站采访时,Sampy和其他猫咪的主人瑞卡·海德曼(Riikka Hedman)向我们介绍了这些宏伟的动物,它们在出版业的“职业”,以及Sampy是如何成为互联网上一个受人喜爱的偶像的。一定要向下滚动查看完整的采访!
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