Being in love with someone is much more than holding hands, going places together or posting cute photos of each other on Instagram. Being truly in love means worrying when your loved one takes time to get home, sitting close and listening about your partner worries when he/or she has a hard day, taking care of your loved one when he/or she gets ill and much more than that. It's simply loving your partner unconditionally and always being there without expecting anything in return.
When we are in a relationship, especially at the beginning of it, it seems that nothing in the world is more important than that person and we could do anything just to make him/her happy. Over time, this feeling may fade a bit but true love will remain. And that's exactly what illustrator Luong Thuy shows in her works. “My inspiration lies in everyday life with my boyfriend. The stories I illustrate are also stories about myself” - said the artist to Bored Panda when asked how she was inspired to create these illustrations.
当我们在一段关系中,尤其是刚开始的时候,似乎世界上没有什么比那个人更重要,我们可以做任何事情来让他/她开心。随着时间的推移,这种感觉可能会消失一点,但真爱会留下。这正是插画家Luong Thuy在她的作品中所表现的。“我的灵感来自与男友的日常生活。我画的故事也是关于我自己的故事。”
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