什么是“迷你惊喜品牌”(Surprise Mini Brands) ?
This stocking stuffer-sized toy is selling like hotcakes, but older generations have probably never heard of it.
The hottest toy this holiday season is 5 Surprise Mini Brands, according to data released by Google on Tuesday. The search giant just launched Google Shopping 100, which lists the most searched products in eight categories: tech, kitchen gear, toys and games, accessories and apparel, gaming, sports and fitness, home goods and personal care. Topping the toy section this holiday shopping season is the ZURU 5 Surprise Mini Brands Mystery Capsule, a ball full of tiny objects that look all too familiar.
谷歌周二发布的数据显示,今年圣诞季最热门的玩具是5个惊喜迷你品牌。这家搜索巨头刚刚推出了谷歌Shopping 100,列出了八个类别中被搜索最多的产品:科技、厨房用具、玩具和游戏、配饰和服装、游戏、体育和健身、家居用品和个人护理。在这个圣诞购物季,排名第一的玩具是ZURU 5惊喜迷你品牌神秘胶囊,一个充满了看起来太熟悉的微小物体的球。
The 5 Surprise Mini Brands toy consists of five small plastic capsules, each containing surprise mini replicas of real-life products like Mentos gum, a tiny pack of Spam or an itty bitty soy sauce. Since the toys in each ball vary, part of the fun is the mystery in the act of unboxing, which has been widely demonstrated in YouTube videos. There are over 500 possible items, maker ZURU toys says, with new surprises added every four to six months.
这款名为“5个惊喜小品牌”的玩具由5个小塑料胶囊组成,每个胶囊中都有现实生活中产品的迷你复制品,比如曼妥斯口香糖、一小袋Spam肉罐头或一种小酱油。由于每个球里的玩具各不相同,部分乐趣在于开箱时的神秘感,这在YouTube视频中得到了广泛的展示。玩具制造商ZURU toys说,可能有500多种玩具,每四到六个月就会有新的惊喜。