A Texas couple thought a magnifying glass would be an innocent Christmas gift for their pre-teen son — until he accidentally set the lawn on fire with it.
Nissa-Lynn Parson, of McKinney, posted to Facebook that she and her husband got their 12-year-old son, Cayden, a magnifying glass for reading. But the parents were stunned when he ended up starting a small fire on Christmas Day.
麦金尼的尼萨-林恩·帕森(Nissa-Lynn Parson)在Facebook上发帖称,她和丈夫给12岁的儿子凯登(Cayden)买了一个放大镜,供他阅读。但当他在圣诞节那天点燃了一堆小火时,他的父母都惊呆了。
“We discovered he and his two brothers went out on the driveway and burned a couple holes in some paper,” she wrote. “Everything was under control until the boys came running into the house telling us that a corner of the lawn was on fire and the Christmas lights were melting!”
She posted photos and a video of the family trying to douse the smoking, blackened lawn.
“Justin and I rushed outside to see the entire front lawn turning black!” Parson wrote. “We grabbed buckets, Justin turned the sprinklers on, and I grabbed blankets to smother and trap it – before it could spread any more into the neighbors yard! What a sight to see – a bunch of people running around crazy trying to put a front lawn fire out while wearing matching Christmas jammies!”
Luckily, no one was hurt, but the brothers have some hefty chores ahead of them in a few months.
“They will definitely have yard work to do once spring comes,” their mother told the station.
“This will be a story passed down to generations and generations,” she added. “’Remember the one year you lit the lawn on fire?’ Yeah, this will be a story that lasts a long time.”