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    Impossible Foods unveils meatless pork at CES — and it’s tasty


    A year after stealing the show at CES with its faux-beef burger, Impossible Foods is back at the annual technology bash to prove it’s not a one-trick pony.


    The plant-based protein maker — which has descended upon CES as a premier player in “food tech” — unveiled a new product to kick off this week: Impossible Pork.



    Like the Impossible Burger, which not only tastes but bleeds like a juicy slab of beef, Impossible Pork is virtually indistinguishable from the real thing to this reporter’s taste buds. The texture is fatty with the right amount of chew, and the flavor would give any supermarket ground pork a run for its money.

    就像“不可能的汉堡”(Impossible Burger),不仅尝起来像一块多汁的牛肉,而且还会流血,对本报记者的味蕾来说,“不可能的猪肉”与真正的猪肉几乎没有区别。肉质肥美,嚼劲适中,其味道足以让任何一家超市的碎猪肉与之媲美。

    Impossible Foods also noted that the Impossible Pork is designed to receive kosher and halal certification, meaning that religious Jews and Muslims who have a hankering for the forbidden food can enjoy the next-best thing guilt-free.


    The company also unveiled plans to launch another new product — Impossible Sausage — but didn’t have it available to taste in Vegas. That launch will be saved for Burger King, which will debut the patty as a varietal of its popular “Croissan’wich” breakfast sandwich.

    该公司还公布了推出另一款新产品——“不可能的香肠”的计划,但在拉斯维加斯还无法品尝。汉堡王(Burger King)将把这种肉饼作为其广受欢迎的“Croissan’wich”早餐三明治的品种首次亮相。

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