苹果iPad Pro 2020 拆解视频,近距离了解其激光雷达传感器
Apple, earlier this month, unveiled the new MacBook Air along with the iPad Pro 2020. The newly launched iPad Pro comes with a starting price of Rs 71,900 and it will go on sale in India in May 2020. Now, iFixit has released a teardown of the newly released iPad Pro that gives us a closer look at the device’s LiDAR sensor.
本月早些时候,苹果推出了新款MacBookAir和iPad Pro 2020。新推出的iPadPro起价为71900卢比,将于2020年5月在印度上市。现在,iFixit发布了一个新发布的iPadPro的分解图,使我们可以更仔细地了解该设备的激光雷达传感器。
The Apple iPad Pro 2020 comes with a 12-megapixel wide-angle sensor and a 10-megapixel ultra-wide angle sensor. The most interesting component of the camera module, however, is the LiDAR sensor that throws infrared radiations in the areas in front of the user, which is then used for creating a 3D map of the room. This is particularly useful in the AR-based apps.
苹果iPad Pro 2020配备了1200万像素广角传感器和1000万像素超广角传感器。然而,相机模块最有趣的部分是激光雷达传感器,它将红外辐射投射到用户面前的区域,然后用于创建房间的三维地图。这在基于AR的应用程序中特别有用。
Another interesting fact about the iPad Pro’s LiDAR sensor is that it doesn’t shoot as many infrared projections as used by the TrueDepth camera in iPhones and iPad Pro, which is why it is less accurate than the FaceID. However, iFixit in its video teardown notes that LiDAR doesn’t need to project the same number of infrared beams as the TrueDepth camera as it is used for mapping a large area.
iPad Pro的激光雷达传感器的另一个有趣的事实是,它所拍摄的红外投影没有iPhone和iPad Pro中的TrueDepth相机所使用的那样多,这就是为什么它不如FaceID准确的原因。。然而,iFixit在其视频分解中指出,LiDAR不需要像TrueDepth相机那样投射相同数量的红外光束,因为它用于绘制大面积的地图。
Apart from this, the teardown reveals that the front camera in the iPad Pro 2020 is ‘identical’ to its 2018 sibling. It also praised the device’s USB Type-C port for its repairability while revealing that the 12.9-inch iPad Pro comes with the same battery as that of its 2018 counterpart.
除此之外,拆解视频还显示,iPadPro 2020的前置摄像头与其2018年的同类产品“一模一样”。视频还称赞了该设备的USB Type-C端口的可维修性,同时透露,这款12.9英寸的iPad Pro配备了与2018款相同的电池。