The Role of the Balance Sheet In the Financial Statements
For every business, there are three important financial statements you must examine:
•The Balance Sheet - The balance sheet tells investors how much money a company or institution has (assets), how much it owes (liabilities), and what is left when you net the two together (net worth, book value, or shareholder equity). In this lesson, we are going to learn to analyze a balance sheet.
•The Income Statement - The income statement is a record of the company's profitability. It tells you how much money a corporation made (or lost).
•The Cash Flow Statement - The cash flow statement is a record of the actual changes in cash compared to the income statement. It shows you where the cash was brought in and where the cash was disbursed.
Accounting is the language of business and these three financial statements, the balance sheet among them, are the report card. From the balance sheet, we can learn:
•How much debt the business has relative to its equity
•How quickly customers are paying their bills.
•Whether short-term cash is declining or increasing.
•The percentage of assets that are tangible (factories, plants, machinery) and how much comes from accounting transactions.
•Whether products are being returned at higher-than-average historical rates.
•How many days it takes, on average, to sell the inventory the business keeps on hand.
•Whether the research and development budget is producing good results.
•Whether the interest coverage ratio on the bonds is declining.
•The average interest rate a company is paying on its debt.
•Where profits are being spent or reinvested.