The UC Davis survey concluded the lack of crashes was a result of “statistically significant” changes in traffic volume.
Traffic volume in certain highways was down by 55 percent when compared to data from last year, resulting in a lack of crashes and a potential savings of $40 million each day to the public.
“The savings was about $40 million a day … That’s about $15 billion over a one-year period, which is almost the size of the state portion of California’s transportation budget for a year,” Fraser Shilling, co-director of the Road Ecology Center at UC Davis, told the Los Angeles Times.
The survey looked at data from California Highway Patrol incident reports and the savings were calculated by using similar data from the Federal Highway Administration, according to the paper. The costs included property damage, treatment of injuries, lost time at work, emergency responses, insurance claims and the equivalent cost of a life, the survey said.
该调查参考了加州公路巡警事故报告中的数据,节省的费用是根据联邦公路管理局(Federal Highway Administration)的类似数据计算出来的。调查显示,这些损失包括财产损失、受伤治疗、工作时间损失、紧急情况处理、保险索赔以及相应的生命损失。
The survey looked at data from when Gov. Gavin Newsom’s stay at home order went into effect and compared it to a similar period in 2019. Between March 21 — two days after the order — and April 11, the average daily number of all traffic collisions was about 450. Collisions were estimated to be 1,128 during the same time last year.
该调查查看了州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)的“在家办公令”生效时的数据,并与2019年的同时期进行了比较。在3月21日,即指令下达后两天,到4月11日,所有交通事故的平均日次数约为450次。据估计,去年同期的碰撞次数为1128次。
Fatal car crashes decreased from 496 to 237 over the same 22 day period, the survey said.
Shilling added that a major benefit of the stay-at-home order was a reduction in fatalities and injuries amid pedestrians and cyclists throughout the state.
”Suddenly you have much fewer cars,” Shilling said, according to the paper. “So it’s much safer to be a pedestrian or cyclist these days.”