Although the documentary was directed by Nadia Hallgren, it sounds like the film had extensive access to and input from Michelle Obama. After all, it was produced by Higher Ground Productions, the company the Obamas formed to create content for Netflix, S-potify and others.
虽然这部纪录片的导演是Nadia Hallgren,但好像米歇尔·奥巴马也大量参与了这部电影的制作,毕竟它是由Higher Ground Productions公司制作的。该公司是奥巴马夫妇开办的,为网飞、声田等平台提供作品。
And the announcement comes with a letter from Obama, in which she says this wasn't just a standard book tour: "In groups large and small, young and old, unique and united, we came together and shared stories, filling those spaces with our joys, worries, and dreams."
"American Factory," the first film to come out of Higher Ground's production deal with Netflix, won this year's Oscar for Best Documentary Feature.
Higher Ground和网飞第一个合作制作的电影《美国工厂》赢得了今年的奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖。
While Netflix and Higher Ground only announced the film now, it won't be a long wait for its release — Netflix plans to launch "Becoming" in just over a week, on May 6.
虽然网飞和Higher Ground现在只是宣布了这个消息,但电影不久就会上映,网飞计划于一周以后的5月6日推出纪录片《成为》。