Two in three Americans said they flat-out don’t remember the last time they wore real pants, according to new research.
In a survey of 2,000 American respondents who currently work from home, four in five said they spend the nine-to-five wearing PJs or comfy clothes.
It’s no surprise then that seven in 10 of those polled said they much prefer working from home than heading into the office every day.
The survey from Mattress Firm, conducted by OnePoll, found that even though the respondents live where they work, 44 percent said they’ve still been “late” to clock in and six in 10 said they have taken a nap during the day.
But is the flexibility that working from home offers employees bad for productivity, considering all the distractions?
Based on the survey results, no. In fact, the opposite is true.
Nearly three-quarters of the respondents (70 percent) said they’ve been more productive working from home than they were in the office. Maybe naps are helping to boost productivity.
According to Dr. Sujay Kansagra, sleep health consultant for Mattress Firm, “Napping may help improve mental agility, memory and alertness. A nap as short as 20 minutes can help rejuvenate you for the rest of the day and give you the boost you need to perform your best.”
根据床垫公司睡眠健康顾问Sujay Kansagra博士的说法,“小睡可能有助于提高精神敏捷性、记忆力和警觉性。短至20分钟的小睡可以让你在一天的剩余时间里焕发活力,并给你所需的动力,让你发挥出最佳状态。”
And working from home offers all sorts of places to call your workstation — including your bed.
More than half of those surveyed said they’ve napped on the clock (59 percent) or “worked from bed” (57 percent) and that it made them realize they need a new bed (52 percent).
And of those who have swapped their desk for their bed, respondents said close to four hours of their workday was spent there — that’s nearly half the workweek.
“Our bed tends to be a place of comfort and familiarity, especially during times of uncertainty or anxiety, so it’s completely understandable to want to work from bed,” said Kansagra. “But it’s important to remember your bedroom should be your sleep sanctuary and should be kept separate from your workspace.”