It turns out, cats and dogs are so last season. Yes, I said it. And not because you can get too much of their pawsome cuteness, but rather because a very solid competitor in winning our hearts just entered the game.
You see, the Siberian illustrator Liza Nechaeva has been documenting the insanely adorable adventures of her two catsnakes in her hilarious comic strips. The frisky ferrets named Meemoo and Feefo are influencers in their own league with 1,567 Instagram followers. And they’re the main characters in Liza’s illustrations too.
“I treat my pets like a part of the family and some of the humor comes from them acting out like children or me taking them too seriously. I sometimes catch myself telling them off like I would a child and find them blinking at me in confusion,” Liza told Bored Panda. “They understand, but choose not to listen.” So it’s time to get into the comic world of Siberian Lizard that will explain your late-night Google search for adopting a new ferret!
“我把我的宠物当作家庭的一部分,有些幽默来自它们表现得像孩子一样,有些则来自我太把它们当回事。”我有时会发现自己像个孩子一样责备它们,发现它们困惑地冲我眨眼,”丽莎告诉Bored Panda网站。它们理解,但选择不听。所以,是时候进入西伯利亚雪貂的滑稽世界了,这将解释你深夜谷歌寻找收养新雪貂的原因!
图片来源:Liza Nechaeva
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