Whether we've already discovered them or not, we all have our own ways of finding inner peace. For Hannah Bullen-Ryner, it comes through reconnecting with Mother Earth.
不管我们是否已经发现了它们,我们都有自己寻找内心平静的方式。对Hannah Bullen-Ryner来说,它来自于与地球母亲的重新连接。
Bullen-Ryner composes beautiful birds using only natural materials found locally and no permanent fixings. Scavenging her surroundings, she puts together flowers, leaves, twigs, and berries to form delicate portraits either on the woodland floor or under one small oak. When she's done, they last only a few moments before nature starts reclaiming them. Luckily, that brief period of time is enough for Hannah to photograph her artworks, or as she calls it, offerings to Mother Nature. Soon after, they get taken by the breeze, rearranged by the rain, or wriggled through by an insect and leave no trace behind.
The artist says she creates to share her love for nature and to soothe her soul, and you can definitely feel it in the photos of her ephemeral pieces.
More info: Hannah Bullen-Ryner | Facebook | Instagram