You've probably heard what crazy stuff AI, machine learning, and deep learning technologies are capable of. Like creating portraits of people who don’t exist, or making a 15th-century Renaissance painting out of your picture, or turning your static single selfie into a living image.
Two programmers and AI enthusiasts, Justin Pinkney and Doron Adler, have just created a new mind-bending "toonification" system that basically turns your portrait into a cute cartoon character. Thanks to deep learning, the algorithm fine-tunes the original face and blends it with a cartoon model, keeping the identities the same, but the features cartoonish.
Justin Pinkney和Doron Adler是两个程序员,也是人工智能的狂热爱好者,他们刚刚创造了一个令人费解的“toonification”系统,可以把你的头像变成一个可爱的卡通人物。得益于深度学习,该算法对原始人脸进行了微调,并将其与卡通模型混合在一起,保持了身份不变,但特征有点卡通化。
Apparently, their “Toonify” website got so much attention on social media, with people flocking to the website to toonify their selfies, that the costs got out of hand and the team had to temporarily turn off the server.
While they’re working on bringing it back to us, let’s take a look at some of the most amusing cartoon transformations down below so that you'll have time to decide whether to go for Elsa from Frozen, or stick to the Nemo makeover.
图片来源:justin pinkney
More info: Toonify.JustinPinkney.com