Robert DeJesus is back on Bored Panda with more of his amazing drawings. Robert is known for his series where he recreates photos of strangers as adorable and fun cartoons! He started doing this as an exercise but soon realized that he could do commissions and get paid. People love his recreations—apparently finding out what your cartoon version looks like is on many people's minds.
罗伯特·德杰西斯带着更多令人惊叹的画作回到了Bored Panda。罗伯特以他的系列而闻名,他把陌生人的照片重新创造成可爱和有趣的卡通!他开始做这种练习,但很快意识到他可以得到佣金和报酬。人们喜欢他的娱乐活动——显然,很多人都想知道你的卡通版本是什么样子的。
"These were originally an idea I had a few decades ago to turn people's photos, used with permission, of course, into scenes that could have existed in a panel of a fictitious manga. The likeness of the subject wasn't that all-important to me. They were made to simply stay in practice and keep my online galleries updated frequently," Robert told Bored Panda.
“这是我几十年前的一个想法,我想把人们的照片,当然是经过允许使用的,变成可以出现在虚构漫画中的场景。”主题的相似性对我来说并不是最重要的。他们只是被要求保持练习,经常更新我的在线画廊,”罗伯特告诉Bored Panda。
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