I’m a freelance self-taught illustrator and I work with watercolor and ink. One of the things I love to do through my illustrations is transport people back to their childhood via storytelling.
I asked people on Instagram to share some of their hilarious childhood beliefs and illustrated them for #childhoodweek2020. These beliefs may seem trivial for a grown-up, but for each child in question, it was very much the truth and reality at that point in time.
#1 “I Believed In Portals. I Always Looked For Places That Could Teleport Me To Himalayas In My House”
#2 “I Believed If You Swallow Orange Seeds, An Orange Tree Will Grow Inside You”
#3 “I Believed The TV Had Miniature People Inside”
#4 "I Believed Little People Lived In Our Garden"
#5 "I Believed Ice-Cream Was Made From Clouds"
#6 "I Believed There Was A Monster In The Closet"
#7 "A Horned Cat That Lived On A Mountain And Everyone Who Laid Eyes On It Fell Down Dead Instantly"
#8 “I Believed Whistling At Night Called Forth Ugly Scary Witches And Monsters”
#9 "I Believed My Teachers Set Up CCTV's Everywhere To Keep Track Of My Whereabouts"
#10 "If I Don't Sleep By 10 Pm, My Pocket-Money Will Go To The Watchman"
图片来源:Alyssa Pachuau
More info: Instagram | Facebook