Back when the Internet was still a baby, the primary users were its creators, math and tech-oriented academics. So as a result, math jokes have an elemental role in the history of the web. Sure, funny TikToks and animal snapchats may have overshadowed them, but browse through a few geeky subreddits and Twitter hashtags and you will still find them.
Mathematician and author John Allen Paulos in his book Mathematics and Humor described several ways that mathematics — generally considered a dry, formal activity — overlaps with humor: both are forms of "intellectual play"; both have "logic, pattern, rules, structure"; and both are "economical and explicit". Bored Panda thinks the man definitely has a point, so we compiled the best math jokes we could find online to prove it. Continue scrolling and after you're done, tell us in the comments if you agree!
数学家兼作家John Allen Paulos在他的《数学和幽默》一书中描述了数学——通常被认为是一种枯燥、正式的活动——与幽默重叠的几种方式:两者都是“智力游戏”的形式;两者都有“逻辑、模式、规则、结构”;两者都是“经济而明确”的。Bored Panda网站认为这名男子肯定有他的道理,所以我们收集了网上能找到的最好的数学笑话来证明这一点。继续滚动,完成后,如果你同意,请在评论中告诉我们!