French artist Thomas Romain is back on Bored Panda with more amazing, colorful, and fun remakes of his sons' doodles. The artist uses the skills he's developed in his career over many years and the fun and unmatched creativity of his children to create unique concept art of characters fit to be in the best fantasy movies.
法国艺术家托马斯·罗曼又回到了Bored Panda网站,他对儿子们的涂鸦进行了更惊人、丰富多彩、有趣的重绘。艺术家使用他在职业生涯中发展多年的技能和乐趣和无与伦比的创造力,将他的孩子创造的独特的概念艺术的人物放在了最好的电影里。
The artist currently lives in Tokyo, Japan, where he works in anime production. The current titles he's working on are: Symphogear, Space Dandy, and Basquash! No wonder he's so good at turning the sketches his kids draw into such amazing and epic anime characters.
这位艺术家目前居住在日本东京,在那里从事动画制作工作。他目前正在开发的游戏有:《Symphogear》、《Space Dandy》和《Basquash!》,难怪他如此擅长把孩子们画的草图变成令人惊叹的史诗般的动画人物。
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