Wedding Cakes Failed To Meet People’s Expectations
To many guests, the most important part of the wedding is the cake. The location, the decor, the bride's dress, all of these things are vital, but they are to be admired. The cake, however, is to be enjoyed.
Bored Panda decided to compile a list of terrible wedding cake fails and turns out the Internet is abundant with them. Whether someone really messed up in the process of bringing it to the table or something really unfortunate — for example, a sandstorm — we included them all. Bon appétit.
Bored Panda网站决定列出一份失败的婚礼蛋糕清单,结果发现网络上到处都是失败蛋糕。无论某人在把它带到餐桌上的过程中真的搞砸了,还是发生了非常不幸的事情——例如,沙尘暴——我们都把他们包括在内。祝你有个好胃口。
图片来源:Akvile Petraityte