London-based upcycling artist Barbara Franc uses materials that would otherwise end up in a trash can and add up to the billions of tons of waste we accumulate every year to create amazing sculptures full of movement and unique characters. If you look closely into these lively animals in realistic shapes, you'll notice kitchen utensils, keys, watches, guitar strings, cans—things you've probably been hoarding at some point and never thought they could be brought to life again. Cleverly arranged repurposed objects not only make beautiful works of art, but are equally fascinating to explore.
Franc mostly creates intricate steampunk animals from scrap metal and discarded household objects and shaggy dogs and other animals handcrafted from old and unused textile.
Dive into the wondrous world of discarded materials turned into stunning animal sculptures and tell us which ones you liked the most!
More info: barbarafranc.co.uk | Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com