This is Quoi (named after a SeQUOIa tree), who made his debut to the social world on Instagram in March of 2020 under the user name @huskyquoi, and yes, I know he is technically not fully brown—he has a little white spot on his chest—but still, how many huskies have you seen that look like him? And yes, he is 100% Siberian Husky and registered with the AKC. Many people think he is part wolf, and though he may pose like a wolf for photos, he is very much a pampered pup! Quoi's full name is SeQuoi Tenko (Tenko in Japanese means Heavily Fox). He is currently traveling around the lower 48 of the United States with me, his mum, as we search for a new state to call home!
这是Quoi(以红杉树命名),2020年3月,他以@huskyquoi的用户名在Instagram上首次亮相,是的,我知道他的皮肤并不是完全棕色的——他胸部有一个小白点——但是,你见过多少像他这样的哈士奇狗?是的,他是100%的西伯利亚哈士奇,在AKC注册过。许多人认为他有狼的一面,虽然他可能摆出像狼一样的姿势拍照,但他是一只非常娇惯的小狗!Quoi的全称是SeQuoi Tenko (Tenko在日语中是狐狸的意思)。他现在和我,也就是他的妈妈,走遍了美国的48个州,寻找一个可以称为家的新州!
图片来源:Nicole Spahn
More info: Instagram