Today’s the big day! The winners of the second Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards have been announced! And they’re making us smile and giggle like it’s the weekend.
今天是个大日子! 第二届玛氏宠物护理喜剧宠物照片大奖揭晓了!它们让我们大笑,就像在周末一样。
The highly-coveted 2020 Photographer of the Year award went to Elke Vogelsang from Germany whose photo of her dog Noodles, “Guard Dog on Duty,” won over the judges in a heartbeat. “It's wonderful to be associated with something that makes people happy. This dog definitely is a mood-lifter. Happy to share her funny, gorgeous face with the world,” said Elke, who also won the Dog Category award.
Check out all of the winning photos and some of the other finalists below and be sure to scroll down for Bored Panda’s exclusive interviews with the team behind the brilliant project. The competition’s being sponsored by Mars Petcare, is raising funds for pet charity Blue Cross, and is raising awareness about homeless pets in the United Kingdom. So it’s not just about making us, the viewers, feel good—it’s having an actual positive impact on the world.
看看所有获奖的照片和下面的一些其他入围的照片,一定要向下滚动查看Bored Panda对这个杰出项目背后团队的独家采访。这场比赛由玛氏宠物护理公司赞助,为宠物慈善机构蓝十字募款,同时也提高了英国对无家可归宠物的关注。所以这不仅仅是让我们观众感觉良好——这对世界产生了真正的积极影响。
图片来源:Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2020
More info: ComedyPetPhoto.com | Mars.com | BlueCross.org.uk