Every dog is different from one another. Some are small, some are big, some are fluffy, and some are scruffy. But have you seen a dog that looks like a giraffe? Well, now you certainly will. Though she lacks the spots the giraffe has, Cleo, a Silken Windhound, has a really long neck and long legs—so much so that she's been named Cleo Long Legs on Instagram.
"Cleo is a year and a half old, and she’s from WindNSatin breeders located in Ohio! We got her when she was about six months old, and she has lived with us happily ever since," said her owner to Bored Panda.
“Cleo一岁半了,她来自俄亥俄州的WindNSatin饲养场!她的主人对Bored Panda网站说:“她六个月大的时候我们就收养了她,从那以后她就和我们幸福地生活在一起。”
Clare, the owner, and Cleo live happily in Wisconsin. Clare said that Cleo always makes her laugh and has a goofy personality. And Instagram seems to like her too, as she has gained 23k followers over a short period of time.
More info: Instagram | tiktok.com