You get some popcorn and press "play." As the film is rolling, you suddenly realize that particular shot… you’ve seen it somewhere before. Call it déjà vu or a glitch in the matrix, but what if sometimes, it’s actually true?
This Twitter thread initiated by @THECOCODIARY compiled some of the most interesting examples of artistic references spotted in movies—from cult films that bear a striking resemblance to the surreal paintings of Rene Magritte, to Lars von Trier’s scene from Melancholia looking as if was taken from the iconic painting by John Everett Millais, Ophelia.
The thread has since gone viral with 133.9k likes and 36.8k retweets, and Bored Panda reached out to its author Coco, who said it started with a post she saw last year about The Lighthouse and its art references. “I started doing research to see if other movies had references too. And I found a lot, a lot of movies and references. I didn’t want to keep this little discovery for myself, so I created this thread.”
这个帖子在网上疯传,得到了133.9k点赞,36.8k转发。Bored Panda找到了作者Coco, Coco说她去年看到了一个关于灯塔及其艺术参考的帖子。“我开始研究其他电影是否也有参照。我找到了很多很多的电影和参考资料。我不想把这个小发现留给自己,所以我创建了这个帖子。”
Read the full interview below, and don’t forget to upvote your favorite references shared in the thread.