Going to school is a normal way of life for so many children around the world, but not in Bangladesh. Over four million children have had to grow up too fast and are forced to work to support their families from an early age. They are often put at risk of health issues and exploitation, but most importantly, they are missing out on their bright future and the right to be kids.
An award-winning photojournalist, GMB Akash, based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, uses his voice to highlight the lives and stories of marginalized people of his homeland. He has been working on the child labor situation in Bangladesh for over 15 years and has been making small steps that bring huge change in the lives of kids who have had to give up their childhood. GMB Akash uses his own money to free children from grueling routines at work and send them to school. The photographer is on a mission to improve the lives of people he captures and takes full financial responsibility for it, so he contributes almost all his income, leaving out only his own minimal living expenses.
曾获殊荣的摄影记者GMB Akash住在孟加拉的达卡,他用他的声音来突出他家乡被边缘化的人们的生活和故事。15年来,他一直致力于孟加拉的童工问题,他所做的每一小步都给那些不得不放弃童年的孩子们的生活带来了巨大的改变。GMB Akash用自己的钱把孩子们从繁重的日常工作中解放出来,送他们去上学。这位摄影师的使命是改善他所拍摄的人们的生活,并为此承担全部经济责任,所以他几乎贡献了他所有的收入,只留下他自己最低的生活开支。
Here are some of his heartwarming pictures to illustrate how the lives of these children have transformed for the better.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com | gmb-akash.com | patreon.com