There are good Photoshops, and there are great Photoshops. Ingo, along with his advertising company "spiel-sinn," belongs to the greats. Why, you might ask? It's because of their distinct Photoshops involving collisions of concepts, objects, animals, and plants.
Their style has become their signature of sorts, and the company has found great success with their clients like magazines, publications, adverts, and followers of their Instagram in general. These playful Photoshops, where seemingly unrelated objects get smashed together into a visually tasteful blend, are truly pleasing to the eye. Ingo told that "a lot of the ideas come from playing with words or puns, sadly a lot are not really translateble from English to German.
From animals becoming like humans and humans becoming like objects, to vegetables becoming like animals, and object-like animals, the things and themes from which they can get inspired are limitless. So follow them on their Instagram, and don't miss another one of their beautifully strange juxtapositions.
More info: Facebook | spiel-sinn.design | Instagram | youtube.com