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    Dogs Who Don’t Understand How BIG They Are


    When you welcome a smol awoo into your home and heart, you don’t want to think about the day when it grows up and loses its puppy fat. But the day comes when your pupper grows into a dog. And keeps growing. And growing. And doesn’t stop. You check the Canine Instruction Manual that came with your pet and you finally realize—aha! You forgot it’s one of those giant dog breeds that make you think Clifford, the Big Red Dog might be real.

    当你欢迎一只smol awoo来到你的家和心里时,你不会想到它长大后减掉脂肪的那一天。但总有一天,你的宠物狗会长成一只大狗。持续长大、长大,不停止。你检查了宠物的宠物指导手册,你终于意识到——啊哈!你忘了这是一种巨型狗,它会让你觉得Clifford,这只大红狗可能是真的。

    Bored Panda has collected photos of the biggest, most playful, floofiest, and young-at-heart dogs that you’d want to hug all day long and get lost in their fur, so scroll on down and give the bestest boys and girls a boop on the nose with an upvote. Is your soul yearning for some more giant dogs who don’t understand how big they are? Check out our previous big doggo posts about canines who forgot their size here.

    Bored Panda网站收集了一些体型最大、最好玩、最胖、最年轻的狗狗的照片,你想一整天都抱着它们,沉浸在它们的皮毛之中,所以往下翻,给最棒的狗狗们来个“隆鼻”投票吧。你的灵魂是在渴望更多的不知道自己有多大的巨型狗吗?点击查看我们以前关于忘记自己大小的狗狗的帖子。

    However, just because a dog is big, it doesn’t mean that it has to be obese (aka a chonky). All jokes aside, if you want your family pet to live a long and happy life, it’s vital that you help it stay lean and avoid entering the ‘overweight zone’ which requires extra effort on your part. Bored Panda spoke about canine fitness and doggo diets with the UK’s leading vet charity, the PDSA. Read on for our full interview with them if you want to learn how to help your dog live a quality life.

    然而,仅仅因为狗很大,并不意味着它一定是肥胖的(或者软软的)。抛开所有的玩笑,如果你想让你的宠物幸福长寿,你就必须帮助它保持苗条,避免进入“超重区”,这需要你付出额外的努力。Bored Panda与英国主要的兽医慈善机构PDSA就犬类健康和狗狗饮食进行了交流。如果你想学习如何帮助你的狗过上有质量的生活,请继续阅读我们对他们的完整采访。











    图片来源:Viktorija Gabulaitė

      上一篇:我为非营利组织创作艺术品并筹集资金 下一篇:糟糕的品味,但伟大的执行最好的例子


