If a photo on Instagram looks too good to be true, it probably is. Even though the platform can be a wonderful and inspiring place, full of beautiful and artistic images, oftentimes it's misleading, too. Photography "tricks" and post-production dissolves the difference between real and fake. And some people try to make use of it, turning their looks into what they think society desires.
Eventually, it got so bad, a counter-movement emerged on Reddit in 2017. The community is called Instagram Reality, and it is dedicated to "exposing" these personas, trying to stop the spread of unreachable ideals and unrealistic expectations. To do so, it is posting side-by-side pics of how Instagrammers look online and in real life.
最终,情况变得非常糟糕,2017年Reddit上出现了一场反对运动。这个社区叫做Instagram Reality,它致力于“曝光”这些人物,试图阻止遥不可及的理想和不切实际的期望的传播。为了做到这一点,该公司将ins用户在网上和现实生活中的照片并排贴在一起。
Bored Panda has already written about the subreddit (most recent articles here), but it continues to dig out more and more... "specimens", so we gotta keep up; the pictures are getting more and more ridiculous.
Bored Panda已经写了一些关于reddit的文章(最近的文章在这里),但是它还在继续挖掘越来越多的文章……"标本",所以我们要跟上;这些照片变得越来越可笑。