It’s a small dream of mine to have a comfy, cozy, tiny home somewhere in the Scandinavian woods (preferably near some mountains and a lake). I’d go for walks and return home to make delicious breakfast just as the sun’s peeking out from the treetops.
I’m pretty sure that I’m not alone in thinking about moving out to nature to live a minimalist lifestyle full of fresh air and adventure because, let’s be honest, the hustle, bustle, and stress of everyday city life can be exhausting. That’s where the Swedish retailer (and our beloved meatball maker) Ikea comes in.
Ikea partnered up with Vox Creative, Curbed, and Escape, which builds small homes and RVs in the US, and created a sustainable tiny mobile home that you can live in off the grid. So the Ikea Tiny Home is the perfect fit for anyone constantly on the move or wanting to mix and match remote work with adventuring. Scroll down, check out the tiny home that was originally built in March and shown to the world only recently, and let us know what you think of it, dear Readers. A huge thank you to the team at Ikea for helping Bored Panda out with their fabulous photos.
宜家与Vox Creative, Curbed,和Escape合作,后者在美国建造小型住宅和房车,并创造了一种可持续的微型移动房屋,你可以在没有电网的情况下居住。因此,宜家的迷你家居非常适合那些经常搬家或想要将远程工作与探险结合起来的人。向下滚动,看看这个小屋最初是在3月建造的,最近才向世界展示,让我们知道你的想法,亲爱的读者。非常感谢宜家的团队帮助Bored Panda完成了他们的精彩照片。
Dan George Dobrowolski, the founder and CEO of Escape, told Bored Panda that sustainability is at the core of all of their designs and shows up in many different ways. “Energy efficiency with a tiny carbon footprint, use of sustainable and recycled materials, the ability of the building to be moved and adapt to new environments as needed. The list is endless.”
Escape的创始人兼首席执行官丹·乔治·多布劳奥尔斯基告诉Bored Panda,可持续性是他们所有设计的核心,并以许多不同的方式表现出来。“低碳足迹的能源效率,可持续和回收材料的使用,建筑的移动能力和适应新环境的需要。”这样的例子不胜枚举。”
Image credits: Escape/IKEA
More info: IKEA.com | EscapeTraveler.net | Curbed | Virtual Tour