When you're an artist, everything is a medium. Even the sky. Lân Nguyen, who is known online as 19, has been transforming photos of the sky into everyday objects and scenes using digital silhouettes, and judging by the images, his imagination is certainly that of a creator.
当你是艺术家时,一切都是一种媒介。即使是天空。Lan Nguyen,19岁在互联网上被熟知,一直用数码剪影将天空的照片转化为日常物体和场景,从图像上看,他的想象力肯定是创造者的想象力。
"What started in 2017 as just posting sunset photos that I've captured with my phone quickly turned into uploading creative and unique images that no one has ever seen before," 19.XCV told Bored Panda. From holding a strawberry to popping champagne, his Instagram account is now full of pink, cloudy formations that run through your screen as you scroll down as a warm, fading memory of summer.
“从2017年开始,我只是上传手机拍摄的日落照片,但很快就变成了上传有创意、独特的照片,没人见过这些照片。”XCV告诉Bored Panda。从拿草莓到泡香槟,他的Instagram账号上现在满是粉色、云雾状的图案,当你向下滚动屏幕时,这些图案就会在你的屏幕上闪过,成为温暖、褪色的夏日记忆。
图片来源:Lân Nguyen
More info: 19xcv.nl | Instagram | YouTube (h/t mmm)