Whether on-screen or off-screen, relationships are a lot of work. But through the endless challenges, hilarious dramas, and even serious arguments, TV couples manage to pull through (well, some of the time!) and, in the end, they become such a deep part of pop culture we sometimes even forget that the actors aren’t always together in real life.
David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston? Courtney Cox and Matthew Perry? Please! It’s Ross and Rachel and Monica and Chandler, now and forever. (If you haven’t noticed, I’m a big fan of ‘Friends’ and I hope you are, too.) Bored Panda has collected some of the most iconic TV couples and compared the photos to those of how the actors look now. Have a scroll through the pictures and remember to upvote your fave ones.
大卫·修蒙和詹妮弗·安妮斯顿?科特尼·考克斯和马修·派瑞?拜托!是罗斯、瑞秋、莫妮卡和钱德勒,从现在到永远。(如果你还没注意到,我是《老友记》的超级粉丝,我希望你也是。)Bored Panda网站收集了一些最具标志性的电视情侣照片,并将它们与演员们现在的长相进行了对比。浏览一下这些照片,记得给你最喜欢的投票。
图片来源:Jonas Grinevičius